Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Divine Mentor: Unraveling World by: Deena Serafin

August 21, 2014

Jeremiah 27:22  " 'They will be taken to Babylon, and there they will remain until the day I come for them,' declares the Lord. 'Then I will bring them back and restore them to this place.' "

God tells His people in Jerusalem that it is HIS plan that they be captured and carried off to Babylon. They are not to fight back, nor are they to try to remain in Jerusalem. They are to go and to stay there until He comes for them and brings them back. 

It is difficult to look at our world and not believe we are rapidly approaching the end times. God's Word is complete and sufficient.  He was in control in 586 BC, and He is in control in 2014. Just as He kept His promise to bring His people back to Jerusalem, He will keep His promise to us to bring us home to Heaven.

I John 2:25  "And this is what He promised us, even eternal life."

Father, this world is out of control and getting worse. Keep me focused on loving, serving, and sharing You in this temporary world until You come for me and take me to my true home where I belong! Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Do Not Be Afraid by Teresa Houle

Scripture: John 6:20 ..."I am here! Do not be afraid"

Observation: Jesus had just fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish and his disciples were waiting for him to come down from the hills. As darkness fell, they decided to get in the boat and head back to Capernaum when the sea grew very rough and they became afraid.

Application: This scripture was without a doubt a word from God today as I was extremely overwhelmed with anxiety as I prepared for my first day on the phones at my new job.  As I went for a run shortly after reading this scripture, a thought came to me of how Jesus must have felt as he anticipated being hung on the cross.  What I was facing was no where even close to comparison! I was reminded that God brought me to this job; therefore, He will equip me with the knowledge that I need to succeed in it and to not worry because He is with me every step of the way.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you for speaking to me today and for reassuring me that you are with me always. That you for the opportunity to also share your words with a co-worker as well to help calm her nerves. Help me to continue to share you word with others. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Proverbs 2: The Knowledge of God- Reading God's Word: Laila Wahba

Proverbs 2:1-5
“My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
 making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
 yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
 if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God”.

Knowing God is no easy task but oh such a worthy task. It needs willingness on our part, a discipline and an effort.
Here, the writer of Proverbs tells us of  seven things we need to do to get to know God:

1.   Receive God’s words: God has given us His word, all we need to do is receive it  but not just as a Bible that is leather bound and has your name etched on it, no you need to
2.   Treasure God’s commandments: When you treasure something, you put it in a precious place, you talk proudly of owning it, you want to take care of it, maybe even build a special place to display it for everyone to see. So what are we doing with God’s commandments? Treasuring God’s commandments might sometimes make people jeer at us, make fun of us. That is why as we do this, we need to
3.   Make your ear attentive to wisdom: Here comes our part. What are we going to do about the treasure that God has given us? Make your ear attentive. In this world and the cacophony of voices that bombard us from every corner: TV, radio, internet, YouTube, friends, phone. God is urging us to willfully make our ears attentive to WISDOM. I personally find it difficult, but it is a training, a daily training. If we train to be physically fit, how much more should we train our spirits to be fit.
4.   Incline your heart to understanding: Now comes the heart. WE cannot just hear God’s words and leave it at that, but when we hear, we need to react. So incline your heart to understanding; willingly. This will never happen in haste, this takes time; time spent in God’s Presence, sitting on His lap, putting my face in His shoulder like a child shy and afraid of a new place an new people.
5.   Call out for insight: calling out has a note of insistence, of perseverance. Lord I am calling out for perception, for understanding, for vision, for discernment.
6.   Raise your voice for understanding: and as if calling out is not enough, I will raise my voice even more, until I get what I need from God: understanding, wisdom, knowledge.
7.   Seek understanding like silver and search for it like hidden treasures: Pursue it whatever it costs, whatever you need to sell to get it, whatever you need to give up, whatever time you spend, cause only then, will you achieve…