The Danger of Being Too Comfortable

Last week was a tough week for me. I’ve been feeling like I’m stuck in quicksand. Foggy. Frustrated. Just couldn’t find my flow. I didn’t understand this feeling at first. But one thing I believe is that our gracious Creator has given us our feelings and emotions to serve as signals in response to our environment and circumstances.
So after almost a week of restlessness, praying, seeking, frustration, seeking, praying, trying to understand this feeling… well, I have to admit it.
I’ve been way too comfortable lately.
I’m talking about the kind of comfort that’s almost dangerous.
I’m reminded of the story of the frog:

Now, I’ve heard this story a few times before, but today this simple proverb pierced my soul! Was I being lulled to “death” by comfort and complacency?? If so, I gotta make a change or my situation may eerily end up like the poor frog in the story!
For 2 1/2 years I’ve been in a season of rest and reflection. But now it’s time.
I believe in my heart that God is transitioning me into a new season of direction and discovery.
“He transitions us to position us to take possession of the things He has for us.”
God is nudging me, urging me, challenging me to take the jump fromcomfortable to courageous. He’s turning up the heat. And for a creature of comfort such as myself, I won’t lie – I’ve been resisting. In many ways, my comfort zone has just been too…well, comfortable.
Change happens when the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change. God doesn’t always call us to remain comfortable. More often than not, He calls us to be courageous.
This reminds me of the story of the Hebrew nation in what I like to call the Two Big Crossovers. There was a drastic difference in the mindset and actions of the people when they crossed the Red Sea compared to when they crossed the Jordan.
After 40 years of wandering in the desert of comfort and complacency, God called them to renew their mindset in preparation for taking the land that was promised to them. Let’s look at the difference in their mindset:
Crossing the Red Sea – chaotic, fearful, survival mode, weak, whining, complaining, indecisive, God parted the waters first before they would take a step
Crossing the Jordan – organized, prepared, focused, courageous, strong, bold, listening & obedient, decisive, they took a step of faith first then God held back the waters.
In between these two life-altering moments, they experienced a very necessary wilderness season of perfecting, maturation, organizing, and dying off of the old & habitual.
After having a little heart to heart with my Heavenly Daddy, I’ve discovered four areas where I need to shift from comfortable to courageous:
- Be courageous in my RELATIONSHIPS
- Be courageous in my BUSINESS
- Be courageous in my MARRIAGE
- Be courageous in my HEALTH
“Change your habits.”
Aaahh, you mean those almost undetectable little habits I’ve been subconsciously creating these past few years that have kept me in a state of complacency? You mean those days when I decide to sleep in? Those moments when I should get out and connect with others but home is just so much more comfortable? Those times when you’ve whispered that I should go walk, but Facebook was more appealing? Even the opportunities when I could’ve been more thoughtful in expressing my love & appreciation to my husband? OK.
So today, I choose to jump out of the comfort pot, become more aware of my daily habits, and courageously cross over the Jordan into my promised land.
What I have come to realize is there are benefits to leaving the land of familiarity and comfort. You have yet to experience what God has for you on the other side of the river.
God often transitions us to position us to take possession of the things He has for us.
Because of His love for us, He does this to us and for us, just like He did for His Hebrew peeps. Although He loves us right where we are, He loves us too much to let us stay there.
Is there an area of your life where you feel the need to “jump out of the pot?”
Is God leading you to be courageous and cross a Jordan in your life?
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