How to Win When the Weight Seems Stacked Against Youby DaNae Hurston |
Have you ever found yourself minding your own business, then out of nowhere God speaks to you right in the midst of where you are?
To be honest, it shouldn't be a surprise when that happens. I mean, Jesus always used everyday visuals to share profound nuggets of wisdom with His listeners. He's known for using mustard seeds, harvest fields, sheep, fig trees, etc. to explain a word of Truth to His people.
Well, the other day I was in the park exercising with my hubby and as I turned the bend BAM! -I saw THIS tree.
Whoa! What a profound visual! I just had to stop and stare because what I was seeing just resonated with the depths of my soul ~ Father, what are you saying to me here?
Do you see what I see?
In the midst of adversity, when the odds were stacked against her...she pushed through.
She did not quit. She pushed. She made a bend. I even see where she had to mend. And then...she rose. With an audacious determination, she stretched her arms toward her Creator and became everything He designed her to full glory.
Can you imagine what this tree felt as she pursued her destiny?
What was it like when she was still behind that brick wall - hidden, unseen, wondering? Straining towards the rays of hope that seeped through the cracks?
As I'm pressing towards my own purpose, I think I know how she felt.
Can I really do this Lord?
In the midst of my identity crises, my struggles, the unknowns, the tests, the fear-based chatter that just won't seem to leave my head for good...
Can I really do what you have put in me to do?
Can I BE who you have created me to BE? Authentically & unapologetically me?
Can I truly press through and align with my Divine Design?
Is it really possible to uncover all the quiet lies I've allowed myself to believe
and only believe what you reveal to be true about me?
and only believe what you reveal to be true about me?
Can you heal my soul so I can radiate your Truth in every area of my life?
Can I stretch my arms to the heavens and declare your glory, declare your goodness, your grace, and your mercy to all who see me?
As I slowly lifted my chin to tilt my head toward the top of the tree, I knew the answer. As surely as that beautiful tree flourished with her bright green leaves...the fruit of her labor...
Yes, I knew I could too.
So I will trust how He has rooted and grounded me, I will persevere...
And I will win.
The godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit. Proverbs 12:12b
What's one TRUTH you can stand on as you persevere
towards becoming all who God designed you to be?
towards becoming all who God designed you to be?