Saturday, January 19, 2013

Don't miss the Presence of God.

Divine Mentor:  Today's Reading - Genesis 47, 48; Psalm 10; Luke 19

This morning it is early and there is nothing sweeter than spending time with Jesus.
I don't even think the birds are up yet, but I know my Savior is ready to talk to me.
No matter what time it is - He is available to me!!!

I read a scripture this morning - I have never realized this before.
I know that Jesus wept over the sadness around Lazarus's death
 but this morning I read again where he wept on a different situation.
I love how God speaks to me and He did this morning.

Scripture:  Luke 19:41 - As he (Jesus) approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.

 Jesus is riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.  The people are cheering and praising Him.
They thought of Jesus as a national leader who would restore their nation to its former glory.  They were blind to his real mission.

As the crowd rejoiced the Lord wept. His heart was broken by what He saw everywhere.  As he looked on the city of Jerusalem, He knew she had missed her day.  Had the people been studying the prophecy, they would have known that this was the exact day of His arrival.  What a tragedy!!!

For me, I don't want to miss any moment of Jesus.  I want to be so close to Him that I can see His daily blessings in my life. I strive daily, to be in His Word and listen to His voice.  There is nothing better than hearing from Jesus throughout the day and talking to Him.

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