Today’s Reading
Ezra 7 & 8
Luke 20
The one thing I have found to be true since I have begun to
journal is when God wants me to know something it will jump off the pages. Today I received two messages that my heart
needed to hear.
Luke 20:34-38
Jesus told them, “The sons of this age marry and are given
in marriage. But those who are counted
worthy to take part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead neither
marry nor are given in marriage. For
they cannot die anymore, because they are like angels and are sons of God,
since they are sons of the resurrection.
Moses even indicated in the passage about the burning bush that the dead
are raised, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and
the God of Jabob. He is not God of the dead but of the living, because all are
living to Him.” (HCSB)
I occasionally think about what my earthly relationships
will be like in the Kingdom of God. The question
that the Sadducees asked Jesus about the woman with seven husbands provided an
answer for me today. They wanted to know
which of her seven husbands will be her husband in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is telling us that once we enter the Kingdom of God we
are all his children making us brothers and sisters. There will be no need for any other
relationships. We are here on earth to do
what is required of us according to God so that we can be with Him when the
time comes. That is why Luke 20:38 is so
important, “He is not God of the dead but of the living, because all are living
to Him.” We must believe that Jesus died
for us and rose from the dead 3 days later, understand that Jesus is our Lord
and Savior, be biblically baptized to be born again, and build a relationship
with Christ to be considered alive. As
believers we must not concern ourselves with who God will raise from the dead
because those that haven’t accepted Jesus as the only way will not be born
again so they are not the living.
Please continue to show me patience and mercy as I continue
to live under Your Grace. I am alive
because Jesus saved me and I am grateful for that sacrifice every day. Please continue
to help me to remember there is no relationship more important than my
relationship with Christ. In Jesus’
name, Amen.
Ezra 7:28
…I took courage, for the hand of the Lord my God was on me…
This is what God wants us to always remember; that we are
empowered through His strength. Daily we
should be courageous. When we encounter
situations or even people that fear shows its ugly face in, we are to be
courageous not because we can handle anything but because we can handle
everything with God.
I must remember that because I am touched by God nothing or no
one can ever cause me any real injury. I
must move forward with courage. No matter
how large or small God is with me.
Please continue to show me patience and mercy as I continue
to live under Your Grace. I want to always be courageous in all my daily
activities and especially my challenges.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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