DM Scriptures. Numbers 28-29; Mark 8
Scripture: “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat."(Mark 8:2)
Observation: Jesus had 3 short years to reach these people with God's message of love, repentance, and forgiveness. Now he felt compelled to feed them! Granted, it wasn't a big deal for Jesus to feed 5000 men and all their women and children, but shouldn't they have brought their own food?
Application: We feed people at church so they will come. We serve coffee before services as an added incentive for them to choose to worship with us. We have pizza parties for the youth and snacks for the adults whenever we gather together. We know from research and experience that offering food and drink brings people and encourages them to come back. We do it, not as a bribe, but because we truly care about their souls and want them to hear our story and know the Jesus we know; HOWEVER, that is not why Jesus fed them. It wasn't so they would remember Him, or so they would come back, or even to perform a miracle for the benefit of his disciples, although these would have been good reasons. Jesus had compassion on them- he knew they were hungry, and he was afraid they would faint from hunger on their way home (v.3). I am convicted by this pure compassion.
Prayer: Jesus, I find myself so far from true compassion. I talk, I share, I take meals, I serve, I do the things for people I know I am supposed to do because You love them and I am Your hands and feet; however, if I am truly honest with myself, I admit that I am far from the compassion You have for them. I want to love as You love. Please help me.
This is excellent, Deena. God was showing me something very similar this morning and I had chosen the exact same scripture to journal about. I too am convicted by His pure compassion. Thank you for sharing!