Friday, January 23, 2015

CPWOMEN'S BLOG: Your Irresistible Future with God by cb.cooksey

Beware of looking back
Go in confidence and grace—no rushing, no frantic escape.
    There’s no need to be anxious—the Eternal One goes before and behind you.
The God of Israel paves the way with assurance and strength.
    He watches your back.
Isaiah 52:12 (VOICE)
“Our yesterdays present irreparable things to us; it is true that we have lost opportunities which will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of Christ. Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him.” (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest (1956). Section “December 31″).
God is the God of your yesterdays, your todays, and your tomorrows. Often memories of the past keep you from fully experiencing God’s grace and joy for today. It’s possible that you are longing for days gone by because they were happier times (the good ‘ole days), or it could be that you are wallowing in the junkyard of past memories, allowing the blunders of the past to overshadow God’s blessing for today. In either case, you are stuck in the quicksand of yesterday, and you can’t move into the future that God has in store.
Just remember, that God’s got your back! He’s your rear guard, and His hand can reach back into your past and settle any claims against your conscience. He can use yesterday’s mistakes and turn them into today’s ministry of growth for your future. He has a grand plan for your life, so let the past rest in God’s sweet embrace. He’s paving the way ahead with assurance and strength, so step confidently into your irresistible future with Him! “And He will be leading you. He’ll be with you, and He’ll never fail you or abandon you. So don’t be afraid!” Deuteronomy 31:8 (VOICE)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Divine Mentor: Reading God's Word- Debbie McGrath

Rest - Genesis 2:3

Today is January 1, 2015 and as most daily bible reading plans start in Genesis 1&2.
Many of us can't count how many times we have read the entire book of Genesis and quit reading thru our bibles when we get to Numbers. This year, I have made a commitment to read thru God's Word as I have done the past several years.  There is nothing more rewarding than sitting at the feet of the Savior.  We live in a world full of chaos and uncertainty but when I breathe in God's word, I am reminded He sits on the throne and He is in control.

As I was mediating on the Word,  I got to Genesis 2:3 - I saw the word rested - God rested from all his work of creation.  And I thought - what does Rest mean to me?

How would I describe a perfect day of Rest?
                                Spending time in the Word of God.
                                Journaling thru God's Word.
                                Being refreshed and nourished by His Word.
                                Praying thru the scriptures.
                                Worshipping God thru scriptures and song.
                                Fellowshipping with other believers.

As I listed my perfect day of Rest - I long to be in the throne room of Heaven where I will experience eternal rest - Worshipping my Savior.

What would your perfect day of Rest look like??