Friday, February 27, 2015

The Divine Mentor: Seeking God to Navigate Through Life

February 27, 2015
Today’s Reading: Numbers 21-23 and Mark 6-7

Numbers 22:18 HSCB
…”If Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go against the command of the Lord my God to do anything small or great.”

We have to remember that no matter what someone may offer us if it is against God’s commands we must not accept the payment offered or the task requested without guidance.  As a non-believer it’s easy to justify doing something knowing it’s wrong because the non-believer doesn’t understand what God requires and definitely not the consequences of going against God.  Non-believers aren’t the only ones that find ways to justify their actions. We as Christians will sometimes find ways to justify something at work or personal decisions that we may not be certain if it is against God’s command by siding on the one that best suits our situation or benefit.  This is why a relationship with Jesus is so important so that we can receive the gift of The Holy Spirit to seek for guidance when unsure and to provide the strength necessary to be obedient to the word we receive.  When it comes to job related situations the “silver and gold” comes into play because we justify our need for what the paycheck provides such as housing, food, clothes, gas, car note, kid’s activities, etc.  We have to remember to stand strong in our faith and God’s promises.  By no means am I saying God wants everyone to quit their job everytime we are faced with a situation that can put us in the position of disobedience.  Just as Balaam went to God for his decision so must we.  In Numbers 22:20 God told Balaam “Since these men have come to summon you, get up and go with them, but you must only do what I tell you.” After Balaam obeyed his first word in Numbers 22:12 telling Balaam he couldn’t go.  This is an example of how obedience is key.  God will assist us in doing worldly things as long as we follow His instructions while doing them.

I will continue to work toward not going against the command of God no matter what the worldly reward is.  I will continue to seek His guidance in all my decisions and blindly trust the word He gives me.


Lord, I come before you humble and broken.  I ask that you continue to assist me daily to become who you desire me to be.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. Thank you Ziahlita for sharing how God spoke to you!!

    1. Thank you Debbie for allowing God to use you and assisting me in my growth with my relationship with the Holy Trinity!
