“Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.” Romans 12:2
Until a few years ago, I had always pursued what my mind thought was good without considering or including God in my plans. The idea that God’s purpose and my calling or vocation are connected sounded strange. I believed in God, but not to the point of seeking his counsel in determining my life’s work. Financial security, the job market and status in society were factors I considered in pursuing a career, not God’s wisdom. I was paving my own path in life and it led to a joyless, unfulfilled and passionless end. My job at the time was stagnant and it seemed God was closing doors I thought should be open. I was getting through the daily grind as a means of earning an income all the while sensing God was calling me to something more. During that time, I prayed harder than ever before but it seemed God was silent.
Then, in 2007 when I was pregnant with my first son, God used Romans 12:1-2 to prepare me for his purpose and my calling as a homeschooling mom. Over a span of several years, I began to see a change in the way I was thinking which in turn affected my decision making process. As my sons went from babies to toddlers to school age, I found myself having increasing confidence in not conforming to the patterns and ideas of those around me. Instead, I had an intense desire to do what was contrary to the norm of society in order to follow Christ. God’s Word had touched my heart and transformed my mind, giving me the ability to discern his good, pleasing and perfect purpose or calling for my life.
Even though God’s purpose for me is good and perfect, I haven’t always agreed with or liked what he has called me to do. Like Jacob, I’ve wrestled with God! I’ve questioned, resisted and tried to take a different path only to conclude that when you’ve been transformed by God, you will choose to follow where he leads even though you may feel inadequate for the job. In my inadequacies is where I’ve witnessed God working through me to accomplish the work he has called me to do.
Friends, God has a calling on each of our lives. To find your purpose or calling, do not conform to the ideas of the world but allow God to renew your minds with the truth in his Word. Only then will you be able to find his good, pleasing and perfect purpose for your life. Your calling will demand more than you have, challenge you beyond your human capacity, take you out of your comfort zone, bring you to unfamiliar places and put you at odds with others. In spite of all this, you will choose to follow the calling not because it is the natural thing to do. You do it because there is complete satisfaction and great passion in living out the purpose God has predestined for your life!
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