April 27, 2013
Today's Reading: II Samuel 2; I Chronicles 11; Psalm 142; Matthew 14
Scripture: Matt. 14:30 But when he [Peter] saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, " Lord, save me!"
At least Peter did get out of the boat. Peter--prone to speak before thinking and to act impulsively. Never timid. What does he show us here? He alone trusted Jesus enough to step out of the boat into the water. As long as his eyes were on Jesus, he stayed on top of the water.
I get excited about God, about my faith, about activity, but do I totally trust Jesus? Do I trust Him enough to not only get out of the boat but to look only to Him for every step on the water? Most of the disciples stayed safely in the boat, but Peter WALKED ON THE WATER!!!
O God, give me water-walking faith--not just intellectual belief, but a moment by moment trust no matter how big ( or small) the storm.
Excellent - thank you!