Something I'm learning a lot about in this particular season is waiting and what I'm learning is, it's not fun and I"m not patient, and I get frustrated and worried, and sometimes doubt that what I'm waiting for will EVER happen!
So don't think you're the only one going through it. The enemy likes to convince us that we are the only people dealing with something, or feeling a certain way or hiding a secret sin. Well guess what?! YOU'RE NOT!!!! We're meant to bear these things together.
I have just come out of a 4 year waiting season and I'm sure the next on is right around the corner:) I'm thankful for these periods because I am forced to lean on God and delight myself in Him allowing Him to give me the desired of my heart (Psalm 37:3-7).
I graduated college in 2009. After college I went through a bible/ministry training program called the kanankuk Institute. For 9 months, I got to dig into God's word through inductive bible study, sharpening my faith and learn how to defend what I believe as a Christ follower. After my time there I was accepted into Auburn university as a graduate student (War Eagle!!). My background is in food/nutrition/dietetics and my goal/passion/dream since I declared my major in college has been to become a Registered Dietitian and work with collegiate/professional athletes. If you do the math, I've been in a waiting period since 2009.
In order to become registered as a dietitian and be able to work in a hospital or with the athletes like I want to, all qualified students must go through an accredited dietetic internship, an intense training program that qualifies its participants to sit for a registration exam. Whew!!!
This past Sunday, April 7 2013 I was matched with a program to become a registered dietitian. I will be attending the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston SC! I have gone through 4 application process, spent countless dollars on application fees, shed gallons of tears in the process and spent hours upon hours on my knees asking God "why not now, why not this one, when will it happen, Your will not mine." To each and every one of those prayers, up until this point, for 4 years the answer has always been "Wait." This wait was not and is not a sinister, angry, vengeful, spiteful thing but a kind, protective, loving, secure, hopeful message.
Last year I was even planning (had a roomate, place to live, plans to move) to move to Texas to complete an internship that I thought the Lord was calling me to do. In my mind I was going down to Texas (like Abram going to a place he did not now) as a way to make ends meet to become registered and start my life. I prayed the boldest prayer I've ever prayed in my life, "Lord, if you don't want me in Texas then don't let me get into the program." Now, I was already in and accepted to the program at this point. Have you ever prayed something so bold that you felt the heavens shake? This was one of those prayers, God was moving in big ways and He wanted to make sure I was involved in it:) He wants YOU to be involved in His big, heaven shaking plans too. Be bold enough to pray and ask.
Well, two weeks later I get my answer. The director of the program called and told me that he could not accept me into his program because my test scores were 20 points too low!!! If that's not an answer to prayer! Heart-broken and disapointed I returned to Auburn to finish out my program, moved back home...yes with my parents:), and got a job working in a field I have no interest in (but I love my job, people and responsibilities I have now and am so thankful for the opportunity).
All this to say, DON'T GIVE UP IN TIMES OF WAITING. Whether you're waiting on a husband (I'm single living in a married girls world waiting for my husband as I'm sure someone else out there is too:). From what I've been told it's worth the wait;), a broken marriage to be healed/salvaged, prodigal children to return, lost family members. Whatever the reason our Loving Father has brought you/me/us to this waiting place is for a good purpose. Trust me! My heart has never been more full, I have never been more thankful and in awe of who God is and how He is able to provide OVER AND OVER again! It seems like each time He outdoes Himself.
Take heart sweet sister, keep you eyes focused on the prize and remember the duty we have to take up our crosses (Luke 9:23) and count the cost of what it takes to be sold out for Jesus, to get in the trenches with prayer/supplication/thanksgiving. Remembering too that the prayers of a righteous woman are STRONG and POWERFUL (James 5:15-16).
P.S. please post any prayer request you may have, if you feel comfortable. I would love to go before our Father on your behalf:)
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