Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day was established for Americans to reflect on the soldiers that have given their lives for the freedom of our country.  I am sure that many of you had fathers, husbands, brothers and even children that have spent time in the military.  There are probably a few of you that have lost a loved one in one of the many wars that our country has experienced. 

Jan 2007, I too would receive a call that my children's father had been killed in Iraq. We were divorced at the time and actually had been for some time, but I fell to my knees trying to catch the breath that I could pull from my gut to scream in pain.  "How can that be?" I thought to myself, we just had communications the other day.  

Two days prior I had this constant thought that I needed to write my ex a letter and just release him from all the expectations that I had placed on him, as well as to put the past in the past.  I even told my youngest son that he too should write dad an email that he loved him.  I shared with him that he was a good dad and I appreciated that he was supporting me in my decisions of raising our boys and that I was looking forward to our relationship healing. I knew that he had received the emails, because he responded to our son telling him how proud he was of him and was anxious to see him upon his return to the states.  He would write the email and would be called out on a recon of a lost journalist.  Ron was a helicopter pilot and was a adrenaline junkie if you ask me.  

He loved what he did and after he retired from the Army after 21 years he would go on to work for a contractor in Iraq.  For years I honestly believed that he was invincible, that or he was too mean to get killed.  However they were able to find the journalist and he was bringing up the rear of 4 little birds that were sent out.  His helicopter would come under fire and they would hit the ground.  The three men would be pulled from the chopper and killed.  I know Ron and I know that he would not give them the joy of seeing him scared so he would fight to the end.  He died a Hero!

I am so grateful to God for giving me the gift of forgiveness.  I am blessed for having the opportunity to say something of meaning to the father of my children before he would leave this earth.  My children were in there teens and were glad that their dad died doing something that he believed in. While he had his flaws he still was soldier and he loved his country.

I hope that you will take the time to really reflect on the many soldiers that have sacrificed their lives so that we can have a better life.  When you see a soldier I hope that you thank them for their service.  Also don't forget the families that have made the sacrifices as well, by not having their loved ones with them.  Have a Great Memorial Day and May God Bless America!

Ronald Johnson

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