Thursday, May 23, 2013
Today's Reading: II Chronicles 6,7; Psalm 135; Romans 4
Scripture: Romans 4: 22 "And therefore ' It was accounted to him for righteousness.'"
Observation: Paul devotes this entire chapter to the faith of Abraham. He uses the phrase "accounted to him for righteousness" three times ( vs. 3, 9, 22). Paul is using a banking term to show that there is nothing we can do to get out of our moral and spiritual debt to a righteous and holy God. The "it" to which Paul refers is Abraham's faith. Abraham was "fully convinced" (v.21).
Application: I understand what Paul is saying, and I believe it with my whole heart, but what do my actions say to others? Do they see a calm assurance that I am totally reconciled to God by my faith in Him, or do they see me as someone trying to prove that I am "good enough" to win His favor?Sometimes I act as if I have a moral/spiritual "bank book" and can subtract from the debt (eliminate bad habits) while adding to the credit ( do good deeds). Praise God that by faith I know that God has stamped my account "Paid in Full" .
Prayer: Dear Jesus, You paid it all on the cross, for me- the entire debt in full. Thank you for loving me that much.
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