Today's Reading:
Isaiah 60-62, John 1
In John 1:35-40 -
We learn that Andrew and John were disciples of John the Baptist.
As soon as Jesus, the Lamb of God, appears on the scene Andrew and John spent the day with Jesus. Can you imagine the questions they had for Jesus or do you think they sat amazed and silent hanging on to every word of the Savior? It is obvious, the time spent with Jesus changed their lives. They were so excited about meeting Jesus they went and found their brothers and brought them to Jesus. Andrew brought Simon to Jesus who later became Peter.
John brought his brother James to Jesus.
In the scriptures, Andrew never wrote a book or preached a huge sermon but he faithfully brought others to Christ. Andrew did what we are called to do.
Every Christian is called to go and make disciples of all nations.
Do I have the zeal and excitement Andrew did about my relationship with Christ?
Today - who will I reach out to and tell them about my Savior?
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