Saturday, March 30, 2013

Revelation Song, A Powerful video

I wanted to share this video with you because it is one of my favorites.  I hope that you will enjoy it!

We had an awesome night of worship at Cross Pointe Friday night.  I was so excited to be a guest (since I work at the church)!  The music was so amazing and you could feel the presence of our God in the room.  There was this precious little girl next to us that was just dancing and dancing and really enjoying the music.  I was so envious and thought how beautiful to be so expressive and not have a care in the world of whom was watching.  You know, the feeling when a song is playing and you feel the spirit moving within in you.  Most of us tend to restrain ourselves and just tap our foot and sing the words.  Not me..the spirit was moving in me and I raised my hands in surrender.  Yes Lord you are my everything and I am yours.  I couldn't stop smiling, don't ask me what the others around were doing or thinking, cause I was focused on worshiping our God.  And the little girl...well she and I danced and danced and we didn't care who was watching.  She was a beautiful little ballerina and I was her partner holding her hands as she twirled and swayed.  What a blessing this precious child of God shared with me.  I encourage you to not hold back, if you want to  If you feel like raising your hands as a act of surrender to our Savior...raise your hands.  The only reason people are looking at you is because they wish they had the freedom to let go!

Matthew 18:3
And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Give Me the Foolishness of Gideon!

March 29, 2013
Today's Reading: Judges 6-7; Psalm 52; I Corinthians 14
Scripture: Judges 7:2 " And the Lord said to Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against me, saying, "My own hand has saved me.'''

Gideon had 33,000 men ready to go into battle. He watched as God reduced that number to 300. How foolish was that?? Gideon could have said no to God and taken his 33,000 men into battle. Had they been victorious, they would have honored Gideon as their leader and congratulated each other on their great victory! 300 men were not enough to defeat the entire Midianite army. What we tend to forget here is that God didn't need even the 300. He was going to defeat the Midianites.

 Knowledge, training, and experience are important; however, more than these, God desires my obedience-- even it makes me appear foolish, vulnerable, and weak. He will allow me to take the glory for myself, but the victory is so much sweeter and has far greater impact when I can join with others to say, " Only God could have done this."

O God, I know I can do nothing without You, but You do let me keep trying! I desire to be obedient. Please deliver me from my pride and my selfish desire to appear strong. I give all the glory to You.

It is Friday But Sunday's comin!!!!

It is Friday But Sunday's comin!

It’s Friday
Jesus is praying
Peter’s a sleeping
Judas is betraying
But Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
Pilate’s struggling
The council is conspiring
The crowd is vilifying
They don’t even know
That Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
The disciples are running
Like sheep without a shepherd
Mary’s crying
Peter is denying
But they don’t know
That Sunday’s a comin’
It’s Friday
The Romans beat my Jesus
They robe him in scarlet
They crown him with thorns
But they don’t know
That Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
See Jesus walking to Calvary
His blood dripping
His body stumbling
And his spirit’s burdened
But you see, it’s only Friday
Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
The world’s winning
People are sinning
And evil’s grinning
It’s Friday
The soldiers nail my Savior’s hands
To the cross
They nail my Savior’s feet
To the cross
And then they raise him up
Next to criminals
It’s Friday
But let me tell you something
Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
The disciples are questioning
What has happened to their King
And the Pharisees are celebrating
That their scheming
Has been achieved
But they don’t know
It’s only Friday
Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
He’s hanging on the cross
Feeling forsaken by his Father
Left alone and dying
Can nobody save him?
It’s Friday
But Sunday’s comin’
It’s Friday
The earth trembles
The sky grows dark
My King yields his spirit
It’s Friday
Hope is lost
Death has won
Sin has conquered
and Satan’s just a laughin’
It’s Friday
Jesus is buried
A soldier stands guard
And a rock is rolled into place
But it’s Friday
It is only Friday
Sunday is a comin!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Has the Lord not gone ahead of you? Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading: March 28, 2013
Judges 4-5, Psalm 39, 41, 1 Corinthians 13

The verse that really spoke to me today was Judges 4:14

S: Then Deborah said to Barak, "Go this is the day the Lord has given Sisera (enemy of Israel)into your hands. Has the Lord not gone ahead of you?".....

Observation:  Deborah was a Jewish woman and the only female Judge of Israel. She served God faithfully and was led by Him.  Because of her tremendous faith she encouraged others to obey God. (What a great mentor to look up to!)  Deborah told Barak, the Lord had already gone
ahead of him and the battle was won!

Application:  I love the part of the verse where it says - Has the Lord not gone ahead of you???  That is so encouraging.  When I step out into new, unfamiliar circumstances I have to believe the Lord has already gone ahead of me.  He will take care of the obstacles in my life. If they are not gone, He will lead me thru them and my faith will grow stronger because of them.  As I write today for the upcoming Women's Retreat - I do believe the Lord has gone before me.  I could look at the obstacles and focus on my weakness but today I chose to believe the Lord has gone before me.  He will give me the perfect words for that day and He will prepare the ladies hearts.  Best part - He will be glorified!!

Prayer: I am so grateful to serve a God who cares so much about me - He goes before me!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dearly Loved: Cindy Cooksey

Dearly Loved by God!
by: Cindy Cooksey (everyday encouragement)

YOU ARE NOT  defined by: 

Your mistakes
your flaws
your weight
your bank account
your failures
your current situations
your problems
your past
your status
your relationships
your bad decisions
your losses
your deficits
your addictions


Monday, March 25, 2013

Change your worry into Worship!! by: Debbie McGrath

Good Morning Friends,
March 25, 2013

Todays reading is Joshua 21, 22, Psalm 47, 1 Corinthians 10

We are told in Psalm 47 to clap our hands and shout to God, not because He needs affirmation, but because we need liberation.  When overwhelming situations or uncontrollable circumstances come into my life instead of expressing anxiety or worry - I am to Praise God!  He has already brought me through so many situations and I know He will see me through again.  So I clap my hands and worship God in appreciation and expectation.  

Psalm 47 tells us our God is an awesome King, He is a triumphant King and He is the King of Kings.  I serve a God who reigns over all nations and is seated on the Holy Throne.  So when I meditate on this scripture, I must remember if God is God over all the nations, surely He is in control of my situation.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Stories of our lives by: Darcie

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Darcie and I am a grateful believer in Jesus that has victory over drugs, alcohol and anger but who still struggles with being the mother of an addict and food issues. Wow that was a huge introduction huh? Let me explain, I am the ministry leader over Celebrate Recovery at Cross Pointe Church and this is how we introduce ourselves at our meetings. When I was attending Alcoholic Anonymous (court ordered no doubt) we would introduce ourselves as "Hi my name is Darcie and I am an alcoholic addict." Pleased to meet me right? It just never settled with me to label myself this way. When I was finally introduced to Celebrate Recovery I loved that we were reminded that our first identity is a child of God. Not only are we saying that we believe in God but that with Him we are able to claim victory over an addiction in our life and that God is currently working with me on other areas in my life. Currently for me it is being the mother of an addict child (22) and realizing that I have replaced drugs and alcohol with food. Yes food has now become another way of feeding my pain. I am honored to be able to share with you my story as we journey together, actually it is what drew me to Cross Pointe Church. The Mission statement being LOVE GOD, SERVE OTHERS and SHARE YOUR STORY. We all have a story and God uses us and our stories as a teaching tool for others that are lost and without hope. The Bible is a great place to start, it is filled with many stories. It is amazing to me how these stories from thousands of years ago could have any kind of impact on my life today, but they do. However I find it intriguing that no matter what is weighing on my mind, God tends to speak to me through the verses that are in front of me. Today I read Psalm 66 16 Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. 17 For I cried out to Him for help, praising Him as I spoke. 18 If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. 20 Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me. There was a time when I feared God. My guilt and shame kept me far from Him. The thought of coming to a church and being judged by the "Church Ladies" was not how I wanted to spend my Sundays. However there came a time in my life that I had no hope, I felt that my life meant nothing and I was just existing to raise the two children in my life. Consequences were catching up to me and life had become unmanageable. Did I mention that this is Step One in recovery? 1 We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.Romans 7:18 I'll never forget laying on the couch feeling so low and the phone rang. It was my youngest sons teacher calling to tell me some concerns she was having about my son. Who would have thought that my turmoil was affecting my kids also?! Needless to say I poured my heart out to this lady (poor thing) and she listened and invited me to her church. She said they loved single moms. Sure I thought, but you know what, I had nothing to lose. So the kids and I went on Sunday and while the kids loved being surrounded with other kids having fun, I went to the "Big" church. I felt out of place, but was greeted by people at the door who smiled and welcomed me and said, "We are so glad you are here!" Really?! All I kept thinking is wait till you get to know me and soon you will ask me to leave. I sat on the back row and tried to blend into the crowd. What a sermon it was! Did he know I was going to be here? It spoke to my heart and I felt my heart soften and began to weep. Please Jesus take this pain! I want to be a good person, show me how! Tears roll down my face just recalling this moment. So many details that God saw to in this event. The teacher who felt compelled to call a parent about a child, whom soon discovered that the child was feeling the pain of their parent. To the obedience of extending an invitation to church. To the Greeters at the door who said "We are glad you are here"! The message that was given by the pastor, it was meant for me. All of these events that came together just for me! Who would have thought that these could change a LIFE?! They did! I am living proof.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bold Prayers!! by Debbie McGrath

Today's reading:  
March 21: Joshua 9-11, 1 Corinthians 6

Joshua is one of my favorite books and I admire the faith of Joshua.
He knew God and he was faithful to God. 
Joshua is truly a mentor for all of us!!

The scripture I chose:( I love this bold prayer!!)
Joshua 10:12... Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel:
                     "O sun stand still over Gibeon.
                       O moon, over the valley of Aijan.
The Israelites are in battle with the 5 kings of the Amorites and their soldiers.
Joshua and his men with the Lord's help is winning the battle but they need more day light so the Amorites could not hide in the woods when the sun went down.  In front of all the Israelites, Joshua bodily prays out loud for the sun to stand still and God answered his prayer.

Joshua had so much faith because He knew the Lord!!! He was specific with his prayer request and God was glorified!!  Joshua never doubted his prayer.  god wants us to pray boldly.  Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers.
The bolder our prayers the more glory God receives.  We have to believe that God is for us and if we believe that we will pray big audacious prayers.  We need to pursue God sized dreams ad seize God ordained opportunities.

Prayer:  Lord help me change my prayer life!! Help me to ask for the impossible and believe!!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

When Do We Judge Behavior? by: Deena Serafin

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Today's Reading: Joshua 7-8; Psalm 69; I Corinthians 5
Scripture: I Cor. 5:12,13a " For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge these who are inside? But those who are outside God judges."

Paul writes verses 9-13 to tell us this:
1) Do not associate ( be close friends with) believers who practice sexually immorality, covetousness,  drunkenness, unethical business practices, etc.
2) Definitely associate with people who are outside the faith, including those who practice these immoral behaviors. How else could we live in this world?
3) Do NOT judge the behavior of those who are not believers- God will do that!
4) DO judge the behavior of a believer who is practicing immoral behavior. Do not even eat with this person .

This is a tough passage for us as Christ followers. Unfortunately, we believers often do just the opposite of what Paul says. We fail to recognize that we have 2 responsibilities where the judgment of sinful behavior is concerned. God expects us to:
1) Totally accept the person who does not know Jesus. This person doesn't need us to tell him that he needs to change his behavior or how to do it.  He needs us to share the love of Jesus and the Gospel. The Holy Spirit will convict him/her and orchestrate a changed life.

2) Hold accountable the Christian brother/sister who practices sinful behavior, sexual or otherwise. Don't let this person (or us) make excuses. Paul specifically targets sin such as sexual immorality, drunkenness, and extortion in this passage, but sin is sin and it doesn't come in degrees.

O Father, help me love as You love, unconditionally. Break my heart for those who live in sin
because they do not know Jesus. Give me the wisdom and courage to guide believers who practice sinful behavior. Most of all, help me recognize and confess the sin in my own life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

True Transformation by: Amanda Watts

I'm learning a lot from the 4 men God chose to pioneer our walk with Jesus; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph have many many lessons to teach.  These great mentors are waiting for you to come meet with them.

Tonight I learned more about Jacob's heart.  The reading was from Genesis chapters 32 and 33, Jacob has left his uncle Labon with his wives, children and wealth that the Lord has blessed him with....

SIDE NOTE: Just because the bible talks about something, doesn't mean it condones it. For example, just because the bible talks about Jacob having multiple wives DOES NOT mean that it's ok to practice polygomy! There is my soap box and now I'm getting down:)...

Jacob is leaving Labon because has been called by God to travel back to Bethel where he came from, it's time for him to go home. If you are familar with scripture you'll soon remember that these are the chapters where Jacob wrestles with a man all night and is blessed because of it.  Jacob had a nasty habit, like many of us women, of being a bit of a control freak. He had all of Gods promises, he even had the protection of angels when he was on his way to meet his brother Esau after 20 years of separation due to a stolen blessing.  Jacob is fearful that his brother will not forgive his deception and tries to win Esau over with gift. 

After Jacob send his family and possessions across the river he is left alone at night in the desert.  While there scripture records a man coming to wrestle with Jacob, and the recorded struggle last the entire length of the night.  I'll let you decide who you think this man is, this will be a good chance for you to start digging into the word for yourself but for some hints... read Genesis 32:24-32; Hosea 12:2-5:)

This time of wrestling and struggling proved to do Jacob some good, he received a blessing of a new name. In the culture of this time, when someone spoke their name they were speaking to their character. Jacob's name meant deceiver and in these chapters it was changed to Israel "one who wrestles with God" or "God preserver".

The moral of the story is that God will transform us when we fully surrender to Him and His will, not just pocket books, husbands, children, single life..etc, but a full, whole hearted surrender. I am still trying to figure this one out so I am no expert by any means!

  1. When we look to God's strength we are strengthened; when we look to ourselves we are weakened
  2. God transforms us when we rely on  faith and prayer instead of schemes and self
  3. God sometimes cripples self-sufficient believers in order to transform them (like He did to Jacob when he touched his hip and dislocated it) - in order to grow them
  4. God transforms us when we rely fully on Him to meet our daily need.
I hope that Jesus tenderly begins to disciple each of us this week to become more of the women He has called us to be. I am so humbled by the response to the post on this blog and am so thankful to be a part of it, not to mention humbled and mind-boggled that y'all are reading it. All the more reason to give glory and praise to whom it belongs along, Jesus!

Paul said: Imitate Me. by Debbie McGrath

Scripture Reading for today:
Joshua 3-6, 1 Corinthians 4

Scripture that spoke to Me:
1 Corinthians 4:16:  Paul - therefore I urge you to imitate me.

Observation:  Paul was the founder of the Corinthian church.  Paul's goal was to teach the Christians how to live for Christ in a corrupt society.Paul told them they should imitate him.  Paul could make this statement because he walked so closely to God.  He spent time in the word and in prayer.  Paul's life was an example to other Christians.

Application: Wow - immediately I ask myself could others follow my life and see Christ in my daily walk? I know I would fall short daily. Many times my thoughts, attitudes, actions, etc.., are not what others would call Christ like. I do know it is possible with the Lord's help to model's Christ way of living.

Prayer:  Allow me to be constantly aware of Your presence in my life.  I need the power of the Holy Spirit to imitate YOU Lord.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Desire of My Heart

Monday, March 18, 2013
Today's Reading: Joshua 1,2; Psalm 37; I Corinthians 3
Scripture: Ps. 37:4 "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart."
The "also" refers back to verse 3 which says to "trust in the Lord and do good." So, first trust Him and then be totally satisfied and content in that trust --- at that point, the desires of His heart will become the desires of your heart.

What are the desires of my heart? Most of them center around the spiritual lives of my children and grandchildren. Also, at the end of each day, I desire to look back and say I walked more closely with my God than the day before. In all honesty, however, the majority of my thoughts and concerns which take me through each day are often no different than those of someone who does not follow Christ. I have a long way to go.

Father, my deepest desires are not always reflected in my daily words and actions. Convict me by Your Holy Spirit when my wants and perceived needs are so much less than what You desire for me.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How Great Is Our God?

Sunday, March 17, 2013
Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 32-34; I Corinthians 2
Scripture: Deut. 32: 3b, 4
" Ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock. His work is perfect. For all His ways are justice. A God of truth...Righteous and upright is He."

The last words of Moses before he dies--- Our God is great, solid, perfect, faithful, and true.

I cannot comprehend how truly great my God is, but even more incomprehensible is the truth that this God knows me and loves me, so much that He sent His only Son to die for me. How would I live my life differently if I really undestood this kind of greatness and love?

O God, I spend so little time with You. I can't believe that I hear myself say the days are so busy it's hard to find time for 40 minutes with You. Find time for You? What daily activity has more eternal impact than time with You? Forgive me, and draw me closer to You.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The only necessary thing - spending time in the Word - Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading:  Deuteronomy 30-31, Psalm 40, 1 Corinthians 1

Today was a hard day to spend time in the Word.  I am getting ready to go out of town this weekend and I have so much to do.  My mind is filled with distractions.  

Scripture that spoke to me:  Psalm 40:8
I desire to do your will, O My God your law is within my heart.

Observation:  Because I am a grateful  follower and believer of Jesus Christ, I truly desire to do the will of God.

Application: I know that God has called me to obey and serve Him.  I know that I am called to share His message to others. Unfortunately, I find myself distracted with "other agendas."  I truly desire to love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind; but even as I am meditating on His Word this morning, my flesh is being pulled.  I have to remind myself, the most important part of my day is spending time with Jesus.  How can I know God's will for my life, if I don't spend time listening and talking with Him.  The distractions in my life will always be there.  But when I spend time alone with God in His word, He releases a fountain of refreshment from the very core of my being.  I truly know that God's will for my life is too spend un-rushed time with Him.  When I do this, I know He will put His law and love within my heart.

Prayer:  Praying that I talk with you Lord constantly throughout the day - asking for wisdom and guidance.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Pride Battle

Friday, March 15, 2013
Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 28-29; Galatians 6
Scripture: Gal. 6:14 "But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..."

There is no place for pride in the life of a believer. Paul knew this was a stumbling block for the Jews, since they had been immersed in "rules" and "laws" for generations. Everything had been about "doing", and the religious leaders were the worst. As he had emphasized in previous chapters, Paul knew that we must die to our former selves before Christ can truly live in us.

Pride is my greatest weakness. I battle it constantly (a statement which, in itself, shows  how prideful I am to even think that I can do anything about my own pride!). I am the oldest of 5 and the first grandchild. I grew up believing I was very special. I know the truth of Galatians 6:14 and Ephesians 2:9. It's Philippians 4:13 that trips me up, for I tend to leave off the "through Christ who strengthens me" part, assuming that I can do all things! Just being honest.

Father, I know that it is in my weakness that You are strong. Others won't see Christ in me unless I get out of the way. Forgive me for often forgetting that every ability and gift I have comes from You. I don't want to lead my own life- I want You to lead it. Whatever it takes, Father, I am willing.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday Deut 21-23 Barbara Hutchinson
Seeing so much dishonor & disparity of respect from this world & even from some christians toward one another lets us know the birth pangs are coming faster & harder than ever before. MARANATHA, LORD JESUS.
The end of 21 going on into 22 shows that childrens disobedience to parents filters out into the community. God gives the advice for the community to become involved to stop the evil disrespect from spreading. Children that are out of place in GOD'S chain of command of the 5th commandment for them to honor their fathers and mothers even if the parents might not deserve it will continue that disrespect out in the community. They will not respect or honor the rules of society either and therefore create chaos,confusion, calamity ultimately evil, fear.
GOD'S purpose is for us to see that PEACE, civility, safety, security , structure, stability begins in every aspect of our lives toward each other in the family in the home.
Then 22 begins with the responsibility of each member of the community to do their part individually for the sake of the community.
1. Peace in each family: resulting in. 2. Peace in each city: resulting in
3. Peace in the nation and on and on. So simple YET so profound.
We have lost our way at the root of this important lesson of life as the entertainment society has mocked & scorned the family unit.
Each member of the family unit is to know & keep their place in GOD'S chain of command that HE clearly defines beginning with the family.
The husband is the leader, provider, protector who is to unconditionally love  the wife as JESUS loves the church. (HIS bride)
The wife & mother is the nucleus, nurterer & is to respect (never says she is to love the husband, she will automatically do this by his loving her).
The children are to honor their parents. LOVE is the common denominator.

Situation comedies of today mock this pattern. The father is reduced to a joke, wife is shrill & smart mouthed showing no respect to him, the children see this disfunction, never learning the correct way to function in their marriages & families, so every one is out of joint & chaos becomes the norm in their daily routine. This is laughed at and thought to be funny so when we sit and laugh at it with our children we are in a sense condoning their evil behavior. BUT THEY ARE TRULY SITUATION TRAGEDIES NOT COMEDIES . GOD'S WAY is so much better & joyful.
Then Chapter 22 continues with how to respect each others possessions honorably. So that trust is something we can rely on.
But then quickly turns to the evil of sexual lust of rape, incest and our media society is so saturated with this on the internet, tv, books, movies, music. All of it is a curse that satan has adulterated, poisoned & compromised. This is  to let us know this is not anything new but to be aware of it and not let it be a temptation to us today even though it has never been so available to us as it is today as it comes right into our front rooms. GOD is saying loud & clear recognize what has come into your home on a second to second daily basis by electronics and all these gadgets can be a snare, a fiery dart from satan to tempt us to curse ourselves, satan CANNOT CURSE himself...he can only TEMPT us to curse ourselves. We can be vulnerable in our idle time. We must be prepared to make the hard choices to not allow it (the snake to slither into our homes to steal, kill and destroy our families). Be aware how quickly our nation has become so tolerant of everything evil & intolerant of everything good.
PRAYER:  LORD JESUS, give us discernment to recognize the traps & snares placed with in the reach of the remote control. We do not just let what ever is on tv, internet, movies speak words of lies into our own eyegates, eargates, soulgates & more directly to our little ones, our families we are responsible for to make right choices for their words & thoughts & attitudes that will ultimately come out of all our mouthgates. Fear is the root of the curse of death and it stems straight from a lie. We are not to be afraid but strong & courageous. We cannot do that unless we are completely connected to YOU our SAVIOR, and hear only our TRUTH GIVER.      AMEN!!!!

My PERSONAL relationship with God!! by Amanda Kaye Watts

I have always feared a "surface" level relationship with people. I get exhausted trying maintain conversations with a person that I know I probably won't keep in touch with because of distance, knowing them through a friend, etc.  Have you ever wondered if your relationship with God is like that?? I have been recently.  I am reading through Genesis with Bible Study Fellowship and tonight I was reading about how Jacob was in a tiff with Laben about sheep, possessions, family, and dishonesty.

In Chapter 31 of the book of Genesis something jumped out off the page at me. In the first part of this chapter God is talking to Jacob and telling him to "go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you." A few verses down in verse 13 God calls Himself the God of Bethel, "I am the God of Bethle." I've ready over this several times and the Spirit has never made it clear to me who God was calling Himself.  But, if you jump back to Chapter 28 we have seen this God before.  Jacob has just seen the staircase from heaven and angels moving up and down with Jesus Himself standing at the top.  In response to seeing this vision Jacob can only worship.

Genesis 28: 18-22
" So Jacob rose early the next morning, and took a stone that he had put under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on its top.  He called the name of that place BETHEL; however, previously the name of the city had been Luz.  Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will keep me on this journey that I take, and will give me food to eat and garments to wear, and I return to my father's house in safety, then the Lord will be my God. This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God's house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You."

God comes to Jacob in Chapter 31 and identifies Himself as the God of Bethel, the same God that Jacob dedicated Himself to, built and altar to, worshiped, and began his personal and intimate relationship with the God of his father Isaac. God was no longer the God that his father and forefathers worshiped, this is the point where Jacob comes face-to-face with God and experiences Him for the first time for himself!!!

That hit me tonight and it was so good I had to share:)

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jesus Was Cursed For Me

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 19-21; Galatians 3
Scripture: Galatians 3:13 " Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us..."
                  Deut. 21:23c. " for he who is hanged is accursed of God."

The Law, given by God to His chosen people, was a curse, because no one could keep it. Paul quotes Deuteronomy to show that the Jews were now out from under the curse of death which would come from their failure to keep the Law. Jesus became the curse and paid the price which we all would have paid.

I don't understand it all, but I do know that Paul understood it perfectly. When he chased believers and turned them in to be killed, he thought he was following God's law. When Jesus confronted him on the Damascus Road, Paul saw the fulfillment of all he had been waiting for! For me, it means that there is nothing I can do to make God love or accept me more than He already does because of His grace toward me which enables me to trust Jesus.

Jesus, thank you for willingly giving Your life for me so that I may live eternally, out from under the curse of not being able to earn my own way into God's favor.

Is your religion a check off list?? Debbie McGrath

March 12, 2013
Today's Reading:
Deuteronomy 19-21, Galatians 3

The book of Galatians can be hard to understand - but the main point Paul was trying to make is that
he wanted the Christian Galatians to understand they did not have to live under Jewish Law in order to be saved.

Galatians 3:13
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."

When Christ died on the cross, this allowed us as believers to no longer live under the law.  But the Jews tried to convince the Christian Galatians that live under the law was mandatory.  

It is obvious that many people enjoy legalism.  It is attractive to our worldly nature.  People think it is easier when their "religion" becomes a check off list.
They obey certain laws, observe certain holy holidays, and maybe give money to a charity or a church.  Legalist love to boast about their "religious achievements" - how many acts of service they have done or gifts they have given.  A legalist, chooses not to walk by faith but by sight; one way of doing this, is to compare their self with others.  A legalist lives in bondage.

As a believer who walks by Faith - we can only measure ourself with Christ.
There is no room for pride - a believer is called to be humble and live by grace.  

As a believer we are to take God at His Word and rest on His Grace. 
We are saved by grace through faith.
We must live by grace through faith.
This is a life filled with blessings.

Dear Lord thank you for dying on the cross and purchasing us with your blood so that may live by grace through faith!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Do you ever doubt God's Love? by Renee Jansen

  A Devotion from Malachi 1:2

The Israelites were a disappointed people.  The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Micah had spoken of a Messiah, a Redeemer.  God’s chosen people had been brought back to their homeland after years of captivity. The temple had been rebuilt; the walls around the city had been restored. Yet the Messianic prophecy had yet to be fulfilled.  The Israelites begin doubting God’s love for them.  They were going through the motions of religion yet were spiritually cold and apathetic.  

Malachi wanted to stir a revival in the hearts of the Israelites; to turn their heart back toward God.  Malachi reminds the Israelites that God had loved [loves] them.  From hearts plagued with disappointment and sin, they ask, “How have You (God) loved us”? (Malachi 1: 2)

How often do we silently wonder how God has loved us?  
We often measure God’s love for us by the current circumstance of our lives.  
When life is “good,” we say God must really love me.  
But, when life is not so good we wonder, “Does God love me? 
Does He find favor in me?”  When we doubt God’s love for us, we doubt the very essence of who God is, for HE IS LOVE.  We progressively begin to doubt our self-worth, questioning the very foundation of our relationship with God.  
We also begin to doubt the value of our worship.[1] 

May we never doubt God’s love for us.  And when the Great Deceiver, Satan, has clouded our reason, may we cry out to God to “give me faith to trust what You say, that You’re good and Your love is great[2]”.

[1] Dick Woodward, Old Testament Handbook, (Hampton: ICM, 1995)  677.
[2] Elevation Worship, “Give Me Faith”

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What if? Not a question in God's vocabulary! Debbie McGrath

March 9, 2013
Today's Reading:  Deut. 10-12, Mark 16

All the reading was so good today - at first I had a hard time picking that one verse.
I prayed and asked God to make His Word come alive so I could learn what He wanted to teach me today.  God brought the following verse to my mind and I appreciate these ladies so much more after I really mediated on this scripture.

What If?
Mark 16:1
 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices so that they might go anoint Jesus body.

These ladies loved Jesus so much, they didn't care that others hated Him and just crucified Him.  They wanted to show their respect and serve Christ.  Their love for Jesus was so evident.  But they faced two large obstacles.  One was the Roman Soldiers and the other was the large stone in front of the grave.

I love the faith of these two women.  They did not say what if?  So many times we miss the blessing in ministry because we say what if?  We focus on the what if?  We look around us and see the large obstacles and say this want work-so we don't even try.  The heart of these ladies was focused on Jesus - what a lesson for us right there.  They were going to serve Him no matter what obstacles were in front of them.  Because of their obedience and faith - they were so blessed - they were the first to see the Risen Jesus!!!!  What if they would have stayed home because their focus was on the rock or the Roman Soldiers or what would people would think of them anointing His body?  What do we miss out on because our focus is on the obstacles instead of Jesus?

Lord - help us to put our focus on you and not be distracted by the obstacles in our life!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

God Debbie McGrath

March 8, 2013
Today's Scripture Reading:
Deut. 7-9, Mark 15

One of the reasons I mediate on scripture daily, I love learning about God.  The Bible is the only book that contains the mind of God and reveals the true path to salvation. Thru scripture, I learn about his characteristics and I see how much he cares and loves me.  My time in the word is refreshing and sometimes overwhelming. It amazes me that God wants to spend time with me.  He always teaches me and gives me hope in our time together.

Today in Deuteronomy 7-9 God is described in so many ways - it was awesome.
God reminded me again why He is Lord!
This is what God showed me in Deut. 7-9:

God is God
He is faithful
A promise keeper
He blesses me
Performs miraculous signs and wonders.
Great and Awesome
My daily bread
He goes ahead of us
Great power

When I mediate on these traits of God - I am grateful that I am the daughter of the King of Kings!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Promised Land - Deena Serafin

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 3-4; Psalm 36; Mark 13

Deut. 4:7, 9: " For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us....?" " Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart.... And teach them to your children and your grandchildren."

Moses was not going into the Promised Land with his people, so he gave these important words to them: 1)Be aware of your special calling by God; 2) remember and keep God's commandments;
3) teach these to your children and grandchildren.

When I was nine, the Holy Spirit used a counselor at summer camp to lead me to salvation- God's "Promised Land." Many times since that day I have 1) forgotten the incredible grace of God who chose me; 2) known what to do but have gone my own way; 3) failed to be a living testimony and share my story with my family. Just as the Israelite nation, I have suffered consequences for my disobedience and missed out on blessings due to my unfaithfulness. I know that, just as God kept his covenant promise to Abraham, He will be faithful to keep me as His forever.

Lord God, thank you that my salvation is by grace and not anything I need to earn. Thank you for the assurance that, even in my unfaithfulness, you are eternally faithful.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Do not be Discouraged! Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading(March 5) - Deuteronomy 1-2, Mark 12

Scripture that spoke to me:
Deuteronomy 1:21- Do not be discouraged.

Observation:  Moses was referring to all the Israelites because they were discouraged about entering the Promise Land.  They were discouraged because they looked thru their earthly eyes at all the obstacles in the Promise Land.  They forgot that God had promised this land to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to them.

Application:  It is so easy to get discouraged and then to wallow in it. People and circumstances will always disappoint us.  I just had a situation this past weekend, I was discouraged.  I let myself become consumed with the thoughts of disappointment - which is never good.  But thru these scriptures this morning - Gd is showing me that a mature Christian woman does not give up because of discouragement.  Paul tells us in Philippians 3:13 - forget what lies behind and strain toward what is ahead.  I am encouraged by these words - to press on toward the goal because my hope is in Jesus.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, forgive me for wanting to quit what you have called me to do because I was discouraged.  Today, I pray that my mind and heart is focused on your greatness and your call for my life.

Monday March 4, 2013

Scripture:     Mark 11:13 fig tree   &  11:22  faith
By:  Barbara Hutchinson

  This reference to the fig tree is very important as to our speaking the very WORDS of JESUS & expecting (having faith in the promise that GOD cannot lie, a promise broken becomes a lie)
so we believe they will come to pass as we speak them.
This is the example that we are to place a demand upon
by speaking them outloud just as JESUS did & expecting the same results
to what ever lie has just been presented to us
 from satan's temptation for us to speak idle words of the world of
 griping, complaining, murmuring by talking words of unbelief,
 thereby cursing ourselves.

Satan cannot curse us himself, he can only tempt us to curse ourselves by the words we speak.

As we read behind the lines at JESUS' intent to have the HOLY SPIRIT to inspire this example for us to follow:

As JESUS & HIS disciples were walking to Jerusalem,
they were hungry and from a distance the fig tree with green leaves that signaled (spoke so to say)
 there was fruit to provide sustenance to set feed their hunger.
When they arrived there was no figs (fruit) so it actually lied.

JESUS answered, "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever." and HIS disciples heard it.  
And apparantly the tree listened also & had no defense.

Verse 20: on their way back by the next day the fig tree had DIED
shriveled up from the root,
from the inside out falling to the ground to be trampled under foot.

This same promise is also recorded in Ps 91:13
Thou shalt tread upon the lion & adder: the young lion & the dragon (satan the liar, thief, robber who come only to kill, rob & destroy) shalt thou (we) trample under our feet.

We have victory, the same power over satan (the hypocrite of hypocrites)
 thru our tongue which has the power of life or death
which is our weapon against evil...not our fists,
 like Paul says, we do not beat the air with our fists.

The battle of the curse of this earth, this world has already been defeated & won
& nailed to that cross, the battle rages over us in the heavenlies
& we play a big part in that battle with the power of our tongues
and speaking to that curse  in righteous godly words of truth & life
 filled with faith, trust & belief,
which is our 3 braided umbilical cord, our lifelines attached to JESUS.

Verse 22:  JESUS answering Peter saith unto them, HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
Verse 23:  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain (another inanament thing) Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, (key) but shall BELIEVE that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he SAITH.    

Not what he physically fights with his fists for, just simply says.
 But their is a caveat in verse 26 we must forgive ALL WRONGS DONE TO US
as JESUS has forgiven all of our wrongs we have done to HIM.
We are to be meek & humble just as our MIGHTY SAVIOR is, who is not weak.
HE chose to be meek & humble.
We must choose this also in full concious awareness in boldness & determination.

 Our ALMIGHTY GOD, our DADDY you stand behind your WORD,

Being your children known by YOUR NAME Christians,
doers of YOU the word, not just hearers not just talkers, no longer hypocrites,
we are to keep our word when we give it to YOU, give it to each other,
give it to ourselves just as faithfully.

Then we function in YOUR INTEGRITY.
So contrary to the world, we stick out like sore thumbs in the eye of satan, thats why he hates us so viciously, because we have a future in YOUR PRESENCE FOR ETERNITY and he does not.
 We are family & he is not.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Help me overcome my unbelief!!

Title: Help me overcome my unbelief!! - Debbie McGrath

March 2, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 30-31, Mark 9

For the past two months, I thought I would do my journaling on the computer.
  It was easier to do it on the computer, because than I could just
copy and paste it on to this blog.  I have realized by doing this, many times when I would write - I was writing to teach instead of really meditating on the scriptures for my personal growth.
For me, going back thru my journal on the computer was not the same as having it written in my own handwriting on paper. Last night, I went and bought me a new journal and started writing on paper again. I love it.

There are so many good nuggets in the reading today - even in Numbers - God calls us to be faithful.
I love learning thru the Israelites - because over and over I see myself in them.

In Mark 9:23-24 - I could so relate to the father of the demon possessed son.
He asked Jesus if you can will you please heal my son.

Jesus replied - Everything is possible for him who believes.  Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.

A crowd was standing around including the disciples who could not heal this boy.  Jesus teaches all of them - anything is possible when you understand that Christ is our Lord and Savior.

This makes me think - what have I stopped praying for because of my unbelief. I have unsaved family members I have quit praying for. - I have given up! I see them so strong in their beliefs that are not from God, I think there is no hope. If I truly believed God can do anything I would pray without ceasing for my unsaved family members.  Again, if I truly believed God can do anything,  I would ask God to increase my ministry, my faith and my love for him like never before. I would ask God to do things in my life that are beyond my wildest imagination so that I could glorify him.

Ask yourself - where has your unbelief affected your life or ministry?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Is Jesus Your Secret Friend?

Friday, March 1
Today's Reading: Numbers 28-29; Mark 8
Mark 8:30 "Then He strictly warned them that they should tell no one about Him."

My study Bible calls this the "Messianic Secret". Jesus had come for a specific purpose and had 3 short years in which to accomplish it: to choose and disciple 12 men and to give His life as a sacrifice for the sin of anyone who would believe in Him, including me. He performed miraculous healings as people came to Him (because He loved them); however, He could not allow the huge crowds or the hatred of the Pharisees to get in the way of God's perfect plan. He wanted to downplay these miracles.

The problem today is that so often I act as though this verse were written to me! I go days, weeks, even months telling no one about Jesus---as if it were a secret! Why is it that within minutes of meeting a total stranger I find myself talking about my grandchildren by name, but I never mention the name of Jesus? Why? Without a doubt, the more time I spend with Him daily, reading His words to me, speaking and listening to Him, the more I am compelled to tell others who He is and what He is doing in my life.

Jesus, please forgive me for neglecting to talk about You in every situation. People need to hear Your name. I need to speak Your name. Jesus. Not one day should ever go by that I do not publicly speak Your name. I cannot keep You as my secret Lord.