Wednesday Deut 21-23 Barbara Hutchinson
Seeing so much dishonor & disparity of respect from this world & even from some christians toward one another lets us know the birth pangs are coming faster & harder than ever before. MARANATHA, LORD JESUS.
The end of 21 going on into 22 shows that childrens disobedience to parents filters out into the community. God gives the advice for the community to become involved to stop the evil disrespect from spreading. Children that are out of place in GOD'S chain of command of the 5th commandment for them to honor their fathers and mothers even if the parents might not deserve it will continue that disrespect out in the community. They will not respect or honor the rules of society either and therefore create chaos,confusion, calamity ultimately evil, fear.
GOD'S purpose is for us to see that PEACE, civility, safety, security , structure, stability begins in every aspect of our lives toward each other in the family in the home.
Then 22 begins with the responsibility of each member of the community to do their part individually for the sake of the community.
1. Peace in each family: resulting in. 2. Peace in each city: resulting in
3. Peace in the nation and on and on. So simple YET so profound.
We have lost our way at the root of this important lesson of life as the entertainment society has mocked & scorned the family unit.
Each member of the family unit is to know & keep their place in GOD'S chain of command that HE clearly defines beginning with the family.
The husband is the leader, provider, protector who is to unconditionally love the wife as JESUS loves the church. (HIS bride)
The wife & mother is the nucleus, nurterer & is to respect (never says she is to love the husband, she will automatically do this by his loving her).
The children are to honor their parents. LOVE is the common denominator.
Situation comedies of today mock this pattern. The father is reduced to a joke, wife is shrill & smart mouthed showing no respect to him, the children see this disfunction, never learning the correct way to function in their marriages & families, so every one is out of joint & chaos becomes the norm in their daily routine. This is laughed at and thought to be funny so when we sit and laugh at it with our children we are in a sense condoning their evil behavior. BUT THEY ARE TRULY SITUATION TRAGEDIES NOT COMEDIES . GOD'S WAY is so much better & joyful.
Then Chapter 22 continues with how to respect each others possessions honorably. So that trust is something we can rely on.
But then quickly turns to the evil of sexual lust of rape, incest and our media society is so saturated with this on the internet, tv, books, movies, music. All of it is a curse that satan has adulterated, poisoned & compromised. This is to let us know this is not anything new but to be aware of it and not let it be a temptation to us today even though it has never been so available to us as it is today as it comes right into our front rooms. GOD is saying loud & clear recognize what has come into your home on a second to second daily basis by electronics and all these gadgets can be a snare, a fiery dart from satan to tempt us to curse ourselves, satan CANNOT CURSE himself...he can only TEMPT us to curse ourselves. We can be vulnerable in our idle time. We must be prepared to make the hard choices to not allow it (the snake to slither into our homes to steal, kill and destroy our families). Be aware how quickly our nation has become so tolerant of everything evil & intolerant of everything good.
PRAYER: LORD JESUS, give us discernment to recognize the traps & snares placed with in the reach of the remote control. We do not just let what ever is on tv, internet, movies speak words of lies into our own eyegates, eargates, soulgates & more directly to our little ones, our families we are responsible for to make right choices for their words & thoughts & attitudes that will ultimately come out of all our mouthgates. Fear is the root of the curse of death and it stems straight from a lie. We are not to be afraid but strong & courageous. We cannot do that unless we are completely connected to YOU our SAVIOR, and hear only our TRUTH GIVER. AMEN!!!!
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