Title: Help me overcome my unbelief!! - Debbie McGrath
March 2, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 30-31, Mark 9
For the past two months, I thought I would do my journaling on the computer.
It was easier to do it on the computer, because than I could just
copy and paste it on to this blog. I have realized by doing this, many times when I would write - I was writing to teach instead of really meditating on the scriptures for my personal growth.
For me, going back thru my journal on the computer was not the same as having it written in my own handwriting on paper. Last night, I went and bought me a new journal and started writing on paper again. I love it.
There are so many good nuggets in the reading today - even in Numbers - God calls us to be faithful.
I love learning thru the Israelites - because over and over I see myself in them.
In Mark 9:23-24 - I could so relate to the father of the demon possessed son.
He asked Jesus if you can will you please heal my son.
Jesus replied - Everything is possible for him who believes. Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.
A crowd was standing around including the disciples who could not heal this boy. Jesus teaches all of them - anything is possible when you understand that Christ is our Lord and Savior.
This makes me think - what have I stopped praying for because of my unbelief. I have unsaved family members I have quit praying for. - I have given up! I see them so strong in their beliefs that are not from God, I think there is no hope. If I truly believed God can do anything I would pray without ceasing for my unsaved family members. Again, if I truly believed God can do anything, I would ask God to increase my ministry, my faith and my love for him like never before. I would ask God to do things in my life that are beyond my wildest imagination so that I could glorify him.
Ask yourself - where has your unbelief affected your life or ministry?
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