Wednesday, March 20, 2013

When Do We Judge Behavior? by: Deena Serafin

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Today's Reading: Joshua 7-8; Psalm 69; I Corinthians 5
Scripture: I Cor. 5:12,13a " For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge these who are inside? But those who are outside God judges."

Paul writes verses 9-13 to tell us this:
1) Do not associate ( be close friends with) believers who practice sexually immorality, covetousness,  drunkenness, unethical business practices, etc.
2) Definitely associate with people who are outside the faith, including those who practice these immoral behaviors. How else could we live in this world?
3) Do NOT judge the behavior of those who are not believers- God will do that!
4) DO judge the behavior of a believer who is practicing immoral behavior. Do not even eat with this person .

This is a tough passage for us as Christ followers. Unfortunately, we believers often do just the opposite of what Paul says. We fail to recognize that we have 2 responsibilities where the judgment of sinful behavior is concerned. God expects us to:
1) Totally accept the person who does not know Jesus. This person doesn't need us to tell him that he needs to change his behavior or how to do it.  He needs us to share the love of Jesus and the Gospel. The Holy Spirit will convict him/her and orchestrate a changed life.

2) Hold accountable the Christian brother/sister who practices sinful behavior, sexual or otherwise. Don't let this person (or us) make excuses. Paul specifically targets sin such as sexual immorality, drunkenness, and extortion in this passage, but sin is sin and it doesn't come in degrees.

O Father, help me love as You love, unconditionally. Break my heart for those who live in sin
because they do not know Jesus. Give me the wisdom and courage to guide believers who practice sinful behavior. Most of all, help me recognize and confess the sin in my own life.

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