Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Divine Mentor: Highly influential Christians

“Christians are the most influential people on planet Earth. Imagine what God would do through us if we’d simply obey.”

Highly influential Christians are people who are (or people of)…

  1. Holy (separate from sin, pray, read the Bible, fellowship with other Christians)
  2. Intentional (deliberate about what we do and why we do it)
  3. Focused (committed, self-disciplined, prioritize, and “niche” oriented in ministry)
  4. Generous (with time, money, and love)
  5. Passionate (positive about the things of God and the people of God)
  6. Servants (submissive to the needs of those around us)
  7. Courageous (overcome fear)
  8. Character (people of sound morals, ethics, and biblical principles)
  9. Communicative (we listen, we share our ideas, we speak–it’s called ministry)
  10. Relational (we have diverse and multi-faceted relationships; no lone-rangers, we are others-oriented)
  11. Teachable (we appreciate the wisdom of others and allow ourselves to be taught, shaped and molded by what is right)
  12. Leaders (we are visionaries, with our eyes fixed on heaven, leading others to find that sweet manna bread)
  13. Humble (we maintain a correct and honest assessment of ourselves)
  14. Criticized (because we long for a home made without hands, we tend to be at odds with worldly people)
  15. Imitated (others are able to see how we live and replicate what is good; we are mentors to those who need help)
  16. Transparent (we are not hypocrites; we don’t hide behind masks; what you see is what you get)
  17. Competitive (we want our God and Savior to be victorious in our lives; finishing last is non-optional behavior for us)
  18. Expansive (we live outside of the comfort zone, because that’s where the amazing things happen, such as change)
  19. Discerning (we don’t bend with every wind of doctrine, but compare everything to Scripture)
  20. Motivational (we can be a spark to light other people’s fire as we bear one another’s burdens)
  21. Learners (we never come to a place where we’ve arrived; there is always more to glean)

Taken from

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