Our LORD is so precise when HE is talking to us and I always wondered at the odd number of 153. In the past I ask the LORD to help me to find an explanation and in time when I had forgotten I ask the wisdom HE gave me an answer that the hebrew alphabet of each letter having a numerical value was a key. It is considered that this means 153 sorts of fish, i.e. all kinds of men enclosed in the Gospel net. If these fishes are a symbol of the saved, this confirms of our LORD'S words, recorded in John 6:39 KJV "of all that HE (the FATHER) hath given ME I should lose nothing" and John 17:12 "those that THOU gavest ME I have kept, and none of them is lost. This to fulfill scripture.
This is a promise & a promise broken becomes a lie, GOD cannot lie & we cannot lie when we speak HIS promises in faith, trust & belief, expect them to come to pass and thank HIM before we see the results.
The expression in hebrew of BENI HA-ELOHIM) means "SONS OF GOD" and the numerical value adds up to 153.
John 21:9 As soon then as they wereome to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. verse 10 JESUS saith unto them, bring of the fish which ye have now caught.
Obviously the cooking fish were not of what they caught. and the next verse says the net was not broken therefore none were lost.
Peter & the others remembering JESUS' promise to make them fishers of men in Matthew 4:19 would probably have made this connection & understood this was JESUS preparing them for their ministry of witnessing with out fear in the dark days ahead of them in their lifetimes.
We lose so much between the lines & the depth of these precise numbers & examples of how JESUS taught HIS disciples face to face, and that is why we are to study to be found worthy as we seek HIS face in our christian walk remembering christianity cannot stand alone it stems straight out of the roots of JUDAISM.
But this is to cement in our minds that HE will not lose one of us even in the midst of this gross darkness that we are to be NOT AFRAID BUT STRONG & COURAGEOUS. Courage in hebrew means clear headed, clear minded, sharp, alert, established & confirmed in our MINDS OF CHRIST. That is hope eternal to hear that trump & be called home soon & very soon. IN JESUS NAME AMEN!
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