Nahum 1-3; John 5
Scripture: John 5:6 "When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, ' Do you want to get well?'"
Observation: I think John includes this particular miracle because it illustrates 1) the personal involvement of Jesus in our lives and 2) the futility of trying to make it on our own. With one word, Jesus could have healed every person at that Bethesda pool; however, He took the time to inquire about this particular man. We know this, because John gives us the detail that he had been an invalid for 38 years. When Jesus personally asks the man if he wants to get well, instead of actually answering the question, the man expresses the frustration of being unable to "heal himself" because he can't get to the pool on his own.
Application: We talk as believers about the life God desires for us- abundant living, joy in the midst of painful circumstances, thankful hearts in all things. Today I ask myself, ""Do I really want the life God has planned for me, or am I content (knowing I already have eternal life) to just "sit by the pool"?
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for Your personal love for me, but please don't allow me to become complacent and content, always focusing on myself. Teach me to "see" others who need Your personal touch.
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