I love Saturday mornings! Nothing to do, sleeping in, and spending as much time as my spirit desires with my God. I picked up an old journal that I had not finished writing in earlier this week and read back a couple pages. What I read brought so much trust and joy into my heart.
This time last year I was frantically trying to finish my master's degree at Auburn University and nail down an internship to become a dietitian. There were a couple programs that had just started that I had applied to. This journal entry was written after I heard that I did not get in either program. One of the programs even said that my application was late so they didn't consider me. My entry was this,
" 'Don't lose hope, daughter!' These are the words You've spoken to me this season and in the time. I'm trying hard not to lose hope and to ignore the lie of I'm not good enough. I wonder if I had gotten my application in on time??? But, now that it's behind me, I won't dwell on it."
Little did I know what He had in store for me. Looking back on this entry and being able to see with 20/20 vision gives me such great hope in who our God is and His promises to us. That He does have a greater plan (Jeremiah 29:11), that His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55: 8 and on) and that He delights to give us the desires of our hearts if we'll surrender those desires to Him.
Today I am writing to you from my two bedroom apartment in Charleston, SC in the very beginning stages of my dietetic internship at the Medical University of South Carolina:)!!!!! In less than a year I will be a registered dietitian. Praise Him!!
I still cannot believe that He has places me here for such a time as this. I encourage you today to place your trust in whatever situation you may be going through into His CAPABLE hands. It's hard going through a rough season. It took me four years to get where I am but what I learned along the way and what I was able to do in that "in between time" was worth it's weight in gold. I would not be the person I am today without that time.
Your sister,
This is awesome - love the encouraging verses you included!!!