Today’s Reading
Genesis 31-33
Luke 13
My Scripture(s) are Genesis
31:31 and Genesis 32:7 (HCSB)
Genesis 31:31
“…I was afraid, for I thought you would take your daughters from
me by force.”
Genesis 32:7
“Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed..”
These two scriptures were used to speak to me today about
fear. I have been dealing with some fear
in my life about being successful and with that fear I compounded it with the
fear that God would be dissatisfied with me being afraid. I know that my faith is strong and it is
strong enough to overcome my fear, but fear still peeks its head into my
thoughts. We have always heard from the
experts things like “fear and faith can’t occupy the same space”; “fear is fake
evidence appearing real”; and “if you have fear you can’t have faith”.
So my biggest inner battle with fear is that
when I have it God won’t be pleased with me.
Jacob was highly favored by God and he had fear twice in one
day according to these scriptures. He
feared Laban would take his family if he told him he was returning to the land
of his father by God’s orders and he feared that his brother Esau would kill
him and his family because of his betrayal.
When I compare my fears to Jacob’s fears they don’t amount to much of
anything and yet God still blessed him.
God used these verses to show and remind me that I can have fear as long
as I don’t let it consume me and I still remain obedient. This is what I really needed today because the
fear of the unknown though it is very positive has managed to take hold of
Lord my Father thank you for not giving up on me and
continuing to show me what you want me to know and understand. I want the blessings you have waiting on me
and I will get out of your way so that you can bless me. I will no longer let fear steal my blessings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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