Divine Mentor Reading: Exodus 3-5; Luke 22
Scripture: Luke 22:62 "So Peter went out and wept bitterly."
Observation: All 4 Gospel authors include the account of Peter's denial of Jesus. Matthew and Mark indicate that all the disciples were present when Peter boldly stated that he would never deny Jesus but would die for Him; however, it is very unlikely that any of them were present in the courtyard when the denials took place. Peter had to have told them later.
Application: I understand Peter- impetuous, speak-before-thinking Peter. Heart in the right place- living in the moment. Why did he humble himself before his closest friends and admit what he must have seen as his greatest failure? I'm not certain I would have done that. After all, they really didn't need to know, did they? Well, it wasn't about them- it was about Peter. Christ had changed him.
Prayer: Father, I have failed You so many times, but my greatest failure has been allowing my pride to hide my failures and weaknesses from others who might have learned from my mistakes or lovingly guided me through them. Please forgive my prideful attitude. Amen.
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