Divine Mentor reading: Genesis 6-8; Luke 3
Scripture: Noah did according to all that the Lord had commanded him. Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of water came upon the earth. (Genesis 7:5, 6 )
Observation : I don't know whether I am more in awe of Noah because he built the ark or because he was 600 years old when he built the ark! I understand that people lived that long, and even longer, in his day; however, Noah had lived for 600 years in a world where he was the ONLY PERSON who trusted God. With the exception of his three sons and their wives ( scripture does not actually say they were believers), not one other person on the face of the earth knew God. I find it hard to believe that, with 3 married sons, Noah didn't have grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Where were they?
Application: How faithful would I be if I were the only follower of Christ in the world? In the US.? In my city? In my family? Not only were there no believers in Noah's world, but Genesis tells us that "every intent of the thoughts of his (man's) heart was only evil continually"(Gen.6:5b). This story of Noah, which I have heard/read hundreds of times, convicts me today of my complacency about sharing the story of Jesus. I enjoy Sundays with Christian friends and the activity of a big church, and I am grateful to be surrounded by believers; however, I am called to be a witness to those who are far from God. It should certainly be easier for me than it was for Noah, but I need to ask myself, am I willing to be an ark-builder?
Prayer: My Father, I thank You for Christian friends, but I want to be faithful in my witness to those who are far from You. It's easy to go on mission trips and work in the clothes closet. It's not so easy to build an ark in my front yard for all to see, declaring that God is so real in my life that I trust and follow His Word regardless of what others say or think. Please help me live and speak so that others will see Jesus.
Deena I love what you got from your reading. You have really put something on my heart. We really don't have any excuses to not be as obedient as Noah in our world today especially since we live in a country that affords us the freedom to worship as we please. I think we have become too comfortable with our luxuries. I pray that when the time comes I can be 100% the believer God intends for me to be. Thank you for sharing!