Today's Reading: Genesis 25-26; Psalm 6; Luke 10
Scripture: " If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. "
...and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.' (Luke 10:6, 9 )
Observation: Our Cross Pointe work in India is based on these verses, and I have been blessed to be part of it the last two years. Each time we enter a remote village, we take Tylenol, cough drops, Pepcid, worm medicine, etc. Our nurses, and sometimes a doctor or dentist, do what they can for the people who come. Just as they did with Jesus, the people come because they want physical relief and healing; however, just as Jesus did, we tell them that God loves them and that Jesus will change their lives. Before we go into a village, we always pray for a "man of peace" who will hear the Gospel and invite our Indian brothers back to his home to tell his family and neighbors more about this God who loves them and His Son, Jesus, who died for them. ThIs was the church in Acts, and it is the church in India.
Application: Today I want to pray for people in our neighborhoods and around the world who have never heard the Gospel. The Scriptures tell us that every person yearns to know God and no one is without excuse; however, Jesus himself has told us to Go and Tell.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the people in my life who first told me abut Your love for me and that I could have a personal relationship with You. Help me to never take them for granted. I thank You for Cross Pointe Church and the opportunities I have to do for others what others have done for me. Use me today, Lord, and every day in every situation, to tell others of You. Amen.
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