Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Going to Church - Is it Important? by Debbie McGrath

June 14, 2014

This past week, I was having lunch with two girlfriends, whom I would consider Christians. We were talking about church and one of my friends says, "I am going to retirement church."Immediately I asked, "What is retirement church?"

I quickly learned that retirement church is when you stay home and watch church online.  Both of my friends, were now staying home and watching church services online.  I asked them - what happened-you both used to be so active in church?

 Answer/Excuse:  When we go to church all we do is sit down, listen to message and then go home.  We can do the same thing at home.  

I quickly responded with there is nothing like singing worship music with other believers. Personally, I can't wait to get to church, meet new people and see my friends.  

When you read the New Testament it is obvious Paul was a believer in the local church - meeting of believers. I also know that Beth Moore makes it a point to be at her home church on Sunday mornings.

The Bible is very clear about meeting with other followers of Christ.

Hebrews 10:24-25: And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward the love and good deeds.  Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

From my own experience, I went thru a time of not going to church and my walk with Christ went backwards quickly.

What would your walk with Christ be if you didn't attend church?

God expects us to meet with others believers:

to serve, to care for others, to pray for leaders, to teach others, to give and in some cases to die for the sake of the gospel.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cross Pointe Women - Desiring God's Word: by - Debbie McGrath

Desiring God’s Word
In the year of 2011, I attended one of our Women’s Ministry meetings at church; little did I know that God would use that night to change my life. When I look back to that day, I know it was a divine appointment from God. During that meeting, the leader was talking about reading her Bible through in a year. While she was talking, I could hear the excitement and passion in her voice and the joy she had in her heart—it was contagious! I remember sitting on the back row that night and how the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me with conviction, to the point at which my heart hurt.
My mind began to think, “Here I am, a women’s Bible study teacher for the past six months, and I have not even read the Bible cover to cover." I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home and living in a country where I could read my Bible anytime. My mind fast-forwarded to meeting God for the first time and I imagined Him saying, “Debbie, I gave you 47 years on earth to read My Word and you didn’t have time. I had so much to tell you.”
I prayed that night that God would give me a hunger for the Word like never before. I knew from past attempts, I couldn’t do it in my own strength. March 6, 2011, began my journey of reading the Bible from cover to cover. I can say to you today that God has blessed me beyond anything I could have imagined! He didn't bless me financially or materially, but with joy, peace and an appetite to have an intimate relationship with my Savior.
When I read my Bible now days, it challenges me, provokes me and changes me. I can’t remain the same after a morning with Jesus. Reading our Bibles should not be our last thought but our first. Every morning I look forward to spending time with the Lord. God has answered my prayer and He has given me an insatiable hunger for His Word. We live in a world turned upside down and we desperately need to saturate our minds and hearts with God’s Word so we can live right side up.
Begin you journey through the Bible today at www.crosspointechurch.com/resources/bible/page_bible_main.htm.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Divine Mentor: Pray for Boldness: by Debbie McGrath

Todays Reading: June 10, 2014
 Song of Solomon: 1-4, Ephesians 6

When I was reading, Ephesians 6:20 really stuck out to me.

S: Paul says: 
Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should.

Observation of the Scriptures: 
Paul is in prison writing an encouraging letter to the believers at Ephesus.
Even though Paul was chained to a guard 24/7, he was more interested in the well-being of others than himself. Paul encourages them to pray at all times for each other.

Amazing that Paul was so single-minded in His walk with God that He did not even ask others to pray for his release, comfort or safety.  He asked them to pray for the effectiveness of his witness and ministry.  Paul even asked for prayer to be bold for Christ.  If Paul prayed for boldness in his witness, how much more do I need this prayer.

Prayer:  Like Paul, I pray the exact same prayer.  That I may speak the gospel without hesitation and boldness.