Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bible App- Amanda Watts

So, I've straying from the "walk through the Bible" theme this week, but I have good reason and if you'll bear with me you'll see why:)

I have one of those bible apps on my iphone and each morning I am able to look at it and the app will give me a "random" scripture for the day. Now I'm not one for flipping/thumbing through the bible and pointing my finger in random places each day and claiming that is what the Lord had for me that day. Don't get me wrong He IS capable of working in that way, but He is so much more of a relational God!

I find this app helpful because it allows me to not only read the Bible on the go but I can search for specific scriptures, and it provides FREE, yes I said FREE, translations of the bible at my fingertip.  I'm is what I got today...

Psalm 18:30 " This God - His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him."    WOW!!!!

Let dig into this a little.

1) This God: I love how the Lord of the universe identifes himself through David. David had just escaped the pursuit of king Saul.  It feels personal and intimate.
2) We have a promise...that His plan is perfect. PERIOD!
3) Again we see reassurance that the word of God is inerrant, perfect and true
4) That He is a shield, protection, and a refuge.

This was perfect for me today and I hope that He can use it in your life this morning, afternoon, or whenever you're getting to this:)

Going through uncertain times can be hard, heart breaking, and scary. I'm holding fast to the hope that Jesus offers in His scriptures and continuing to claim them daily, reminding Him just as the great patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) did. He loves and delights for us to remind Him, He never forgets His promises or goes back on them and He delights in us when we bring them to Him.

Resting on the promises of Jesus:)

ps...the app is you're curious is called "Bible" 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Falling at the Feet of Jesus - Will Change your life!

Falling at the Feet of Jesus - Will Change your life!!

Reading for Feb. 26 – Numbers 19, 20; Psalm 28, Mark 5

Mark 5:33
Scripture that spoke to me:

Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.

Objective:  This unknown woman had been sick for 12 years. 
She had been to the doctors and no one could cure her of this affliction.  She had probably been thru so many disappointments when no one could help her.  She carried a heavy burden –she was also considered ceremonially unclean which restricted her religious and social life.  I love what she did – she pushed thru the crowds and nothing was going to keep her from Jesus.  She knew others had been healed and she thought if I could just touch his garment I will be healed.  Her faith brought her to Jesus – she experienced a physical healing as well as a spiritual healing.  The Lord called her daughter!
It doesn't get any better than that!

What excuses do we use to keep from meeting the Lord on a daily basis?  What excuses do we use not to come to church and worship our Lord?  Don’t we have the faith like this unknown women? Do we desire to be at the feet of Jesus and ask for a spiritual healing.  What a blessing she would have missed if she didn’t go out to find Jesus that day!! I write this, to encourage you to Spend Time with Jesus today – and ask for a spiritual healing.  Ask God to increase your faith so you can be a witness for Him.

  Thank you Lord, that Your Word is active and living and you transform our lives thru our time spent with you.

I Want Even More of You

Monday, February 25, 2013  
Today's Reading: Numbers 17-18; Psalm 29; Mark 4
Mark 4:25 " For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."

This verse seems difficult to understand, and even a little unfair, but it is surrounded by parables of sowing and growing seeds. Soil that is receptive to seed will nurture those seeds and produce a crop. This crop will in turn produce more seeds, which will produce even more of the crop. A soil which is hard, dry, or rocky will not allow the seed to grow ; therefore, the sower will no longer attempt to produce a crop from that soil.

Our walk with God begins with Him, not us. We cannot know Him unless the Holy Spirit first draws us to Him. My walk with him, however, will deepen only to the extent that I desire to know Him better.  My part is to put aside everything else and spend time with Him in prayer and in His Word. If I fail to do that, I will, in time, lose even the relationship I have with Him now.

Dear Father, it is only by Your grace that I know You at all, but I desire so much more. Draw me closer to You each day, precious Lord. Do not allow me to be content with a few verses and a short prayer, but increase my desire to know You, not just to know more about You.  You are my very life.

Friday, February 22, 2013

I can not afford not to be in the Word!!!

Feb. 23, 2013
Today's reading:  Numbers 12,13; Psalm 90, Mark 2

Journaled and Mediated on Chapter 13:

Numbers 13 –The spies go out as one group and come back as two. They were divided.
It is obvious 10 of the spies lived in fear not in faith.  They looked around at the circumstances – fortified walls, big cities, strong people, weapons they didn’t have and when they did this – they were paralyzed in fear.  They let their mind wander – which is exactly what Satan wanted.  They begin to say what if they beat us, what if we can’t do this – they allowed themselves to become insecure because they were looking at their own inadequacies.

 They were comparing themselves to the Nephilim.  They said “we seemed like grasshopper in our own eyes and we looked the same to them.” When we compare ourselves to anyone else – we come up short. We are not to compare ourselves to others - God has made each one of us unique - Psalm 139.

When fear overcomes you - God calls us to renew our mind  - we are to dig in the word and meditate on the Word. When I sense myself becoming overwhelmed with everything – I find so much peace in God’s word.  I talk to God and I journal and the joy I feel is indescribable.  Satan would love nothing more than for us to be distracted and let our mind wander – this is dangerous.  Where our mind goes, our actions will follow.  When I allow my mind to wander, I feel inadequate, insecure, incapable, unworthy and I feel defeated. This causes me to become paralyzed in my walk. 

This generation of Israelites missed a huge blessing from God. They allowed themselves to become paralyzed in fear and they did not walk in faith.  As soon as there eyes were off Christ, they forgot that God allowed them to cross the Red sea, that God gave them manna daily, God provided a cloud for them to follow during the day, etc...  When I am  not in the Word –I quickly forget how God is always there for me and He never leaves me and He allows all things in my life to  work together for good.  I cannot afford not to be in the Word!!!

Lord, please do not let me get caught up in my thoughts.
Let me look to you for wisdom, strength and direction.
Give me a hunger for your Word like never before.
Give me a hunger for your ways like never before.

Jesus Was Never Too Busy For God

Friday, February 22, 2013   Deena Serafin
Today's Reading: Numbers 10-11; Mark 1
Scripture: Mark 1:35  "Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place, and then He prayed. "

Jesus knew the importance of getting away and spending time with His Father in prayer. His power was dependent on His relationship with God because He was fully human, just like us.  I would also think that, as the Son of God, He just loved talking with His Father- not for what He could get from His Father, but just because He loved Him.

I wonder if Mark included this incident in his writings because he struggled, like me, to find time away with God. When I am too "busy" to spend time in prayer and reading His Word, am I not saying that what I am doing is more important than what Jesus did on a daily basis?
Before I try the excuse that life is "busier" now than it was when Jesus lived, I have to ask myself this question: " If Jesus had been born into my world instead of 2000 years ago, would He still have "risen a long while before daylight" to be with God?  Yes, He would.

Father, if I truly love you and desire to know You better, I will spend more time with You. Draw me by your Holy Spirit away from the things that seem urgent and important to me and others.  You are my life.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Won't you sit at His feet? Amanda Watts

The scriptures for the day are: Numbers 8,9 and Acts 28

I got my scripture form Numbers 9:18 "at the Lords command the Israelites set out, and at the Lords command they camped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped."

In the previous verses we see God's instruction as how to treat and purify the Levites. That He has chosen them and taken them and consecrated them for Himself. It then goes on to tell us that the Israelites would not love unless the prescient of God (the cloud of smoke and pillar of fire) moved. 

My application for this is to wait to move until The Lord moved! That may be in plans, relationships, big decisions, whatever it may be, my decision is to wait prayerfully until He moves. I think we have gotten so far off the mark with busy schedules, plans, committees (did I mention that I'm preaching to me right now!!). With working a 9-5 job and desiring to have some kind of social life in my 20's I do find myself getting wrapped up in the craziness   of life. I'm calling the enemy out on this one and Calli g his bluff. I've been told that Jesus had the same 24 hours that we do, and look at how intentional, prayerful, submissive, and unattached to His schedule! Yes, I know He was the God-man, but He did come to set an example for me an for you. I vow to start with my time in the Word, focusing on not rushing through it just to get a post done, or wrote an answer down so I can participate in bible study  but to truly soak in his presence and allow what I'm reading to transform my heart and mind, to memorize more scripture and be intentional about learning it. 

As busy as my weeks can seem to get, I always come back to the peace I find in spending time with my Jesus. Remember that the enemy will try to distract you with anything he can, and he knows how to push out buttons. So the challenge for this week is to protect the time you choose to spend with Jesus, don't move until He moves:)!!

Paul the Encourager

Today's Reading:  Numbers 7, Psalm 23, Acts 27

Paul the Encourager: by Debbie McGrath

Scripture that spoke to me: 
Acts 27:25 - So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God
 that it will happen just as he told me.

Paul was a prisoner on a ship along with 276 other men. While on this journey, they spent 14 days in the middle of a northeaster.  For 14 days, they were in total darkness - no light of sun by day and no stars by night.  Everyone gave up hope of being saved except Paul. Paul was anchored in God's presence, he did not panic in the storm because he knew he belonged to God!! Paul, a mature Christian, could encourage others because he knew God was in control.

If we are anchored in God's presence like Paul, no matter what is going on in our life - we should be able to encourage others.  Daily, we should encourage and comfort others because our hope is in Christ. A godly mature Christian is an encourager.  God has called Christians to be encouragers.
 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Encourage one another and build each other up.  By being an encourager, we can change someone's life.  Encouraging others is a ministry, it cost nothing and we have an unlimited arsenal of encouragement at our disposal.

Dear Lord, today and everyday remind us to encourage everyone we come in contact with - giving them hope. Let us remember, a word of encouragement can change someone's life.

Monday, February 18, 2013

So Close And Yet So Far

Tuesday, February 19, 2013.  Deena Serafin
Today's Reading: Numbers 5-6; Psalm 22; Acts 26
Scripture: Acts 26:28. "Then Agrippa said to Paul, 'You almost persuade me to become a Christian.'"

This may be the most heartbreaking verse in the entire Bible. Agrippa obviously believed that Paul was speaking truth, and yet he was unwilling to accept it.

Application :
Why would someone not accept the truth of Jesus today? Pride? Selfishness? Lack of understanding?
Even as a nine year old, I knew Jesus was for real. It breaks my heart to see family and friends who just don't get it; they don't outwardly reject Him---they just don't let Him in. If Paul, the greatest Christian preacher ever, couldn't persuade someone to believe and accept, what can I do with my mere words? Should I just give up? Never! I must go on telling the story and living it, trusting that the Holy Spirit will draw them to Jesus.

Holy Spirit, no one can come to the Father unless they are drawn by You; however, I know that I was drawn to You by the lives of others. May my life and my words draw others to be open to Your call.

"To live is Christ and to die is gain." The Apostle Paul

Feb. 19 - 2013
Numbers 5, 6; Psalm 22; Acts 26
 Debbie McGrath

Title:  To live is Christ and to die is gain - The Apostle Paul

Scripture that spoke to me: Acts 26:24
At this point Festus interrupted Paul’s defense,
“You are out of your mind, Paul!” he shouted…

As Festus was listening to Paul’s testimony, he thought Paul was a nutcase!  Festus would never believe in the resurrection of a dead man.  Festus could not understand why anyone would choose a life that brought less pleasure but more suffering. We all know how Paul felt: - “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Those on the outside thought this was crazy.

In the world we live in today, it is acceptable to be crazy over wealth, power, science, pleasure and athletics. But to be fervent about spiritual things is madness.  How I desire to live like Paul!!  His eyes were fixed on the eternal and not the temporary.  Paul and I have the same beliefs - but I have not carried my faith to its logical end like Paul.  I desire, to have a spiritual resemblance of Paul.  I am here for the purpose of reaching others, so that they will open their eyes and turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.  That is my high calling and privilege. 

Lord, help me not to worry about what people think – I would love for someone to say I am crazy about Jesus.  Remind me daily of who I am and who I am in Christ.  Give me the courage to speak the truth of the gospel to those who need to hear it so desperately. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

God is Serious About Redemption

Monday, February 18, 2013. Deena Serafin
God is Serious About Redemption
Today's Reading: Numbers 3-4; Acts 25
Scripture: Numbers 3:41. "And you shall take the Levites for Me-I am the Lord- instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel..."

God is serious about redemption. To pay for the sins of the Israelites, God told Moses to take all the males from the tribe of Levi to represent the firstborn of every family. When Moses counted, he found that their were more firstborn sons than Levites, so God told him to take money for the additional sons and give it to Aaron and his sons. The plan was exact and personal.

God is serious about redemption. Make no mistake, there is a price to be paid for your sin and for my sin. Only Jesus, God's Holy Firstborn Son, could redeem us so that we could be His children. I know that as a nine year old girl I accepted God's gift of His Son and became a child of God forever. I have friends, family, and neighbors who think they belong to God because they try to be good and love others. Do I care enough about them to tell them the truth and keep telling them?

Jesus, thank you for giving Your life to pay for my sin. Help me to be relentless in sharing the truth with others.

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Free Trip To Rome

A Free Trip To Rome!   Deena Serafin

February 16, 2013
Today's Readings: Leviticus 26-27; Acts 23

Scripture: Acts 23: 11. "...the Lord stood by him (Paul) and said, 'Be of good cheer, Paul, for as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome'".

Be of good cheer?? Paul had barely escaped with his life, again, and then his nephew tells him of a plot to kill him the next day. "Good" and "cheer" are not  exactly the words that come to mind here!
But God chooses to let Paul in on His plan.  It is because of the death threats that Paul not only gets the opportunity to witness to Felix, the governor, but eventually gets a free trip to Rome --- and with him goes the story of Jesus Christ!

God will use every situation in our lives to give us opportunities to tell others about Jesus and share His love, but He will not necessarily tell us in advance, like He did with Paul. We can choose to grumble and complain about our circumstances and question God's faithfulness, or we can move through them with His grace, knowing that nothing happens to us that God does not either cause or allow.  Either way, He will use our circumstances for His glory , but only if we are willing.

My Father, I want so much to be in tune with Your minute by minute plan for my life. The time I spend with You each day is precious to me.  Help me each day to keep my focus on You and not on what is happening to me or around me.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is your time with God a ritual or a relationship?? debbie McGrath

Readings for February 15, 2013
Lev. 25, Psalm 25-26; Acts 22

Scripture that spoke to me:
 Psalm 25:5
Guide me in your truth and teach me for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.

Observation:  David expressing his desire to God for guidance.

Application:  How do I receive guidance – by sitting at the feet of Jesus daily.  As I read God’s word – I pray that He gives me insights so I can have wisdom in my day-to-day decisions. (He loves to  answer that prayer!).

By spending time in the Word – I truly realize my only hope is in Jesus Christ. And the best part of spending time with God is that I can be transparent and vulnerable.  My time with God is rest for my soul in the busyness of my crazy day. I must realize my time with God is not a ritual it is a relationship. Christ desires to spend quality time with me!! That is amazing!

 Can you imagine saying no to God when He is waiting on us every morning?

Prayer:  Thank you, that in our time together you provide a spiritual feeding that is so satisfying to my soul. Forgive me for the times I rush thru or missed our time together.  Those are usually the days - I am controlled by my emotions and circumstances.