Friday, February 15, 2013

A Free Trip To Rome

A Free Trip To Rome!   Deena Serafin

February 16, 2013
Today's Readings: Leviticus 26-27; Acts 23

Scripture: Acts 23: 11. "...the Lord stood by him (Paul) and said, 'Be of good cheer, Paul, for as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome'".

Be of good cheer?? Paul had barely escaped with his life, again, and then his nephew tells him of a plot to kill him the next day. "Good" and "cheer" are not  exactly the words that come to mind here!
But God chooses to let Paul in on His plan.  It is because of the death threats that Paul not only gets the opportunity to witness to Felix, the governor, but eventually gets a free trip to Rome --- and with him goes the story of Jesus Christ!

God will use every situation in our lives to give us opportunities to tell others about Jesus and share His love, but He will not necessarily tell us in advance, like He did with Paul. We can choose to grumble and complain about our circumstances and question God's faithfulness, or we can move through them with His grace, knowing that nothing happens to us that God does not either cause or allow.  Either way, He will use our circumstances for His glory , but only if we are willing.

My Father, I want so much to be in tune with Your minute by minute plan for my life. The time I spend with You each day is precious to me.  Help me each day to keep my focus on You and not on what is happening to me or around me.

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