Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day was established for Americans to reflect on the soldiers that have given their lives for the freedom of our country.  I am sure that many of you had fathers, husbands, brothers and even children that have spent time in the military.  There are probably a few of you that have lost a loved one in one of the many wars that our country has experienced. 

Jan 2007, I too would receive a call that my children's father had been killed in Iraq. We were divorced at the time and actually had been for some time, but I fell to my knees trying to catch the breath that I could pull from my gut to scream in pain.  "How can that be?" I thought to myself, we just had communications the other day.  

Two days prior I had this constant thought that I needed to write my ex a letter and just release him from all the expectations that I had placed on him, as well as to put the past in the past.  I even told my youngest son that he too should write dad an email that he loved him.  I shared with him that he was a good dad and I appreciated that he was supporting me in my decisions of raising our boys and that I was looking forward to our relationship healing. I knew that he had received the emails, because he responded to our son telling him how proud he was of him and was anxious to see him upon his return to the states.  He would write the email and would be called out on a recon of a lost journalist.  Ron was a helicopter pilot and was a adrenaline junkie if you ask me.  

He loved what he did and after he retired from the Army after 21 years he would go on to work for a contractor in Iraq.  For years I honestly believed that he was invincible, that or he was too mean to get killed.  However they were able to find the journalist and he was bringing up the rear of 4 little birds that were sent out.  His helicopter would come under fire and they would hit the ground.  The three men would be pulled from the chopper and killed.  I know Ron and I know that he would not give them the joy of seeing him scared so he would fight to the end.  He died a Hero!

I am so grateful to God for giving me the gift of forgiveness.  I am blessed for having the opportunity to say something of meaning to the father of my children before he would leave this earth.  My children were in there teens and were glad that their dad died doing something that he believed in. While he had his flaws he still was soldier and he loved his country.

I hope that you will take the time to really reflect on the many soldiers that have sacrificed their lives so that we can have a better life.  When you see a soldier I hope that you thank them for their service.  Also don't forget the families that have made the sacrifices as well, by not having their loved ones with them.  Have a Great Memorial Day and May God Bless America!

Ronald Johnson

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Books Are Balanced!

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Today's Reading: II Chronicles 6,7; Psalm 135; Romans 4

Scripture: Romans 4: 22 "And therefore ' It was accounted to him for righteousness.'"

Observation:  Paul devotes this entire chapter to the faith of Abraham. He uses the phrase "accounted to him for righteousness" three times ( vs. 3, 9, 22).  Paul is using a banking term to show that there is nothing we can do to get out of our moral and spiritual debt to a righteous and holy God. The "it" to which Paul refers is Abraham's faith. Abraham was "fully convinced" (v.21).

Application:  I understand what Paul is saying, and I believe it with my whole heart, but what do my actions say to others?  Do they see a calm assurance that I am totally reconciled to God by my faith in Him, or do they see me as someone trying to prove that I am "good enough" to win His favor?Sometimes I act as if I have a moral/spiritual "bank book" and can subtract from the debt (eliminate bad habits) while adding to the credit ( do good deeds).  Praise God that by faith I know that God has stamped my account "Paid in Full" .

Prayer: Dear Jesus, You paid it all on the cross, for me- the entire debt in full. Thank you for loving me that much.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fully Committed to God - Debbie McGrath

May 22, 2013
Today's Reading:

1 King's 8; 2 Chronicles 5; Ps. 99; Romans 3

The Verse that spoke to me:

1 King 8:61:  But your hearts must be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.

Solomon and the Israelite had just finished building the temple and his palace.
They were giving praise to God for His great mercies. Solomon was dedicating the temple to the Lord and then Solomon blessed the entire nation of Israel.

Some days - like today- I don't feel fully committed to the Lord.
Solomon was telling the Israelites your heart must be fully committed to the Lord our God. Unfortunately, when I started in the Word this morning, it felt like a duty or that I was completing my check off list. I decided not to let my feelings control my actions - so I spent time in the word talking to God. I am asking God to help me have a heart that is inclined to Him. I am believing  that God will answer my prayer in His time and in His own way.  I am grateful that I spent time with God because over and over I read that God is faithful and He will never leave me!!

God give me the passion I need today to be fully committed to YOU!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Give back to God! Debbie McGrath

May 17, 2013
All of today's readings were incredible - so many rich verses for everyday living!!

1 Kings 2; 1 Chronicles 29; Psalm 95; 2 Thessalonians 1

God really spoke to me thru this Verse:
1 Chronicles 29:14

Everything comes from you and we have give you only what comes from your hand.

David acknowledges that the God of Israel owns everything.
God is sovereign over all. His name is great and glorious.  David and his people gave lavishly to the Lord.

When I give to the Lord, I only return to the Lord that which He has graciously already given to me.  This is convicting when I think of the times, I selfishly want to control my giving.  Since all things come from God, the wisest thing I can do is give back to God.  I am giving back what He has already given me and my giving should be an investment in the eternal.  When I give, I should be like David's people, give joyfully and graciously.  

Forgive me for the times I want to be in control of my resources.  Lord, I pray that I have a heart of generosity, gratitude and joy.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

I wanted to share this video with you to encourage you Mothers.  Somedays we feel that our roles are unappreciated and can become discouraged.  We can never feel fully prepared for motherhood.  I know I imagined that everything would be so perfect, and at times it was, but there were and are times that I question if I am doing enough.  However we persevere and hopefully in the future our children will also come to understand the unconditional love of a mother.  

So today I celebrate you! Happy Mothers Day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Bottle of Tears

May 10, 2013
Today's Reading: 2Samuel 18; Psalm 56; Matthew 27
Scripture: Psalm 56:8 "You've kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book." (MSG)

God knows every detail of our lives, especially the difficult ones. We may get too busy for Him, but He is never too busy for us. He hurts when we hurt and rejoices when we rejoice.

When I read this, I thought about the tears that Jesus wept, and then I thought about the tears I have cried. How many of my tears are Godly tears, shed for people who don't know Him? I must admit that most of my tears have been selfish ones, cried when things in my life didn't go the way I had planned, forgetting that God's plan for my life is perfect and far beyond my understanding. Does God keep my self-cented tears as well as my Godly ones? I believe He does, because He loves me so completely.  My desire is for God to break my heart for others so that the tears that fill my bottle would not be about me.

Prayer: O God, give me a heart that sees the pain of others before my own. Lead me to guide others through their tears to rejoice in their salvation and draw closer to You.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Well done, good and faithful servant! Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading:
2 Samuel 15, 16, Psalm 32, Matthew 25

Verse that spoke to me:
Matthew 25:23

...Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things...

Observation:  God has give us talents and gifts that are to be used for the kingdom of God.

Application:  I do believe Jesus is coming soon!  Because of this, I believe there is an urgency to use our God given talents to get involved in meeting the needs of others simply because He says so!  When we remember who we are - a sinner saved by the blood of Jesus - headed to glory and we belong to HIM!
Our lives are no longer to be lived according to what we want but according to what He says.  We are his faithful servants.

Prayer:  I pray that today, I die to my selfish wants and reach out to others.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How is your Prayer Life? Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading:  May 4, 2013
2 Samuel 8, 9; 1 Chronicles 18, 19; Matthew 21

Loved reading about David and how faithful he was to the Lord.
His people loved the Lord as well because David loved the Lord!

The verse that spoke to me today: Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive, whatever you ask for in my name.

When I read this verse - it is obvious that prayer can change your life!

As I read this verse, I am immediately convicted that I pray way too little!
Even though I know that prayer is meant to be as simple and natural as breathing. I also know that God sends blessings down from heaven when we pray.  Prayer is not a duty.  Prayer is a simple, ongoing conversation with our heavenly Father that is honest and heartfelt.  If I truly realized the power of prayer - I would be praying without ceasing.  Prayer links our lives with God's exciting purposes and power!!! The best part of prayer - it brings me into a love relationship with God when I do pray.  When I pray, I realize how much I need God.  I must remember, prayer makes impossible things possible.

Prayer:  Lord, forgive me for not devoting my life to prayer - there is nothing more important!!!  Give me the discipline to pray without ceasing!