Does your speech bring hope and encouragement to others??
February 4-2013
Today’s Reading: Exodus 37-38; Psalm 19; Acts 11
Scripture that spoke
to me:
Psalm 19:14 –
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your
sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Observation: God desires that the words that come out of
my mouth please him.
Application: God is truly trying to teach me to tame my
tongue – we had this lesson yesterday in our ladies life group class. The words
that come out of my mouth can either bring life or death. They can either be
positive or negative. For my heart to be pleasing to the Lord –I must be in the
Word of God –daily!! Meditating on God’s Word is the only way to transform my
speech to glorify God. We all know, where the mind goes the mouth follows. When I speak, it should be obvious that the
Lord is my Savior. I should speak as I
have hope knowing that I have a forever home in a glorious place called
Heaven. My words have the power to give
others and myself – peace, joy, hope, encouragement and most important –Life! A
right word spoken at the right time can change someone’s life. Never underestimate the power of your words!
Today - I chose to be in the Word of God and ask God to tame
my tongue so that I may bring hope and encouragement to
others. I will also take the time to
send cards of encouragement to my friends who need hope.
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