Falling at the Feet of Jesus - Will Change your life!!
Reading for Feb. 26 –
Numbers 19, 20; Psalm 28, Mark 5
Mark 5:33
Scripture that spoke
to me:
Then the woman,
knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with
fear, told him the whole truth.
Objective: This unknown woman had been sick for 12
She had been to the doctors and no one could cure her of
this affliction. She had probably been
thru so many disappointments when no one could help her. She carried a heavy burden –she was also
considered ceremonially unclean which restricted her religious and social
life. I love what she did – she pushed
thru the crowds and nothing was going to keep her from Jesus. She knew others had been healed and she
thought if I could just touch his garment I will be healed. Her faith brought her to Jesus – she experienced
a physical healing as well as a spiritual healing. The Lord called her daughter!
It doesn't get any better than that!
What excuses do we use to keep from meeting the Lord on a
daily basis? What excuses do we use not
to come to church and worship our Lord?
Don’t we have the faith like this unknown women? Do we desire to be at
the feet of Jesus and ask for a spiritual healing. What a blessing she would have missed if she
didn’t go out to find Jesus that day!! I write this, to encourage you to Spend
Time with Jesus today – and ask for a spiritual healing. Ask God to increase your faith so you can be
a witness for Him.
Thank you Lord, that Your Word is
active and living and you transform our lives thru our time spent with you.
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