Monday, February 4, 2013

Every Idle Word

Feb. 4 ,2013
 Every Idle Word: by Deena Serafin

PSALM 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."

The outward and the inward. Every spoken word and every thought of the heart should make God smile. The words are for others- they please God only if they draw someone to Jesus. The thoughts are known only to God- they please Him if they are an expression of worship.

My words are an outward expression of my thoughts and are never a "slip of the tongue". They come so quickly and are not always pleasing to God. Sometimes they are just idle, purposeless words. Sometimes they are even hurtful words.

My time spent alone with God each day profoundly affects my words for that day. Every word I speak is a reflection of my time with Him.

O Lord, I will speak many words today. I ask You to make me aware of every word- is it pleasing to You? Does it draw someone to the Jesus in me and make them want to know Him? Does it exalt my Savior? I desire to please You and You only.

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