Feb. 23, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 12,13; Psalm 90, Mark 2
Journaled and Mediated on Chapter 13:
Numbers 13 –The spies go out as one group and come back as two. They were divided.
It is obvious 10 of the spies lived in fear not in faith. They looked around at the circumstances – fortified walls,
big cities, strong people, weapons they didn’t have and when they did this –
they were paralyzed in fear. They let
their mind wander – which is exactly what Satan wanted. They begin to say what if they beat us, what
if we can’t do this – they allowed themselves to become insecure because they
were looking at their own inadequacies.
They were comparing themselves to the
Nephilim. They said “we seemed like
grasshopper in our own eyes and we looked the same to them.” When we compare
ourselves to anyone else – we come up short. We are not to compare ourselves to others - God has made each one of us unique - Psalm 139.
When fear overcomes you - God calls us to renew our
mind - we are to dig in the word and
meditate on the Word. When I sense myself becoming overwhelmed with everything – I
find so much peace in God’s word. I talk
to God and I journal and the joy I feel is indescribable. Satan would love nothing more than for us to
be distracted and let our mind wander – this is dangerous. Where our mind goes, our actions will
follow. When I allow my mind to wander,
I feel inadequate, insecure, incapable, unworthy and I feel defeated. This
causes me to become paralyzed in my walk.
This generation of Israelites missed a huge blessing from God.
They allowed themselves to become paralyzed in fear and they did not walk in
faith. As soon as there eyes were off
Christ, they forgot that God allowed them to cross the Red sea, that God gave
them manna daily, God provided a cloud for them to follow during the day, etc... When I am not in the Word –I quickly forget how God is always there for me and He never leaves me and He allows all things in my life to work together for good. I cannot afford not to be in
the Word!!!
Lord, please do not let me get caught up in my thoughts.
Let me look to you for wisdom, strength and direction.
Give me a hunger for your Word like never before.
Give me a hunger for your ways like never before.
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