Saturday, August 8, 2015

Joseph - From Potiphar’s Palace to Prison - Genesis 39:6 - 41:37

It came about after these events that his master’s wife looked with desire at Joseph - Genesis 39:7

Joseph had a reverence for God. In these verses of scripture the story tells of how Joseph, being a dedicated servant rose to a high position in Potiphar’s household. He was so trusted by his master, Joseph was given charge over everything Potiphar owned. If that isn’t evidence that the Lord was with Joseph even as a slave, what more possibly could be? 

Considering the circumstances - Joseph being a slave, The Lord’s hand on him elevated him to what would have been an enviable life. But as it so often happens, it came to pass. And so Joseph being an attractive young man, caught the eye of Potiphar’s wife in Gen. 39:6. Unfolding in the verses from Gen. 39:7-13 is the story of a wicked woman driven by her lust and sense of entitlement. Also revealed in those same verses we learn even more about Joseph’s character. He could have taken her up on her offer to participate in adultery but Joseph angered her by being a rare and honorable man. Gen. 39:8-9

Can we say sexual harassment in the work place? We see Joseph fleeing from her so abruptly, he left his coat behind just so he could get away from her. 

A trite phrase that may have originated with this story is “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!” When Joseph refused Potiphar’s wife - she wanted to destroy him and accused him of attacking her. Due to her false accusation, Joseph was thrown into prison. Gen. 39:20

Have you ever been falsely accused of anything? Has anyone ever projected the blame for their own wrong doing onto you in order to avoid the consequences of their actions or out of a determination to hurt you?

We can see from the life of Joseph that injustice takes place through no fault of our own. We also see that the Lord was with Joseph and He is with us too. Joseph was not guilty but he suffered as if he was. Have you ever suffered when you weren’t at fault? Why does He allow such trials in our lives? Is it because God really does have a plan for us? Is His purpose for us, higher than what we can understand? Is our understanding based on the present; the here and now while God has our future in His hands?

So where does this story leave Joseph? 

So Joseph’s master took him and put him into the jail, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined; and he was there in the jail. Gen. 39:20

Joseph did nothing to deserve it - Why did the Lord allow it? Why didn’t God rescue Joseph? Joseph kept his eyes on God and lived in the promises that God had a plan and a purpose for him. Would our lives look different; be more bearable if we could somehow live with the confidence of God’s plan and purpose for us - even when all around us is confusing, painful and unjust?

Joseph’s great confidence is found in Gen. 39:21 But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer. 

Dear Lord, we ask that You impress upon us the directive to trust You. Remind us as often as is necessary that You are faithful and trustworthy. Assure us as often as is necessary that even when injustice is heaped on us, our future is secure in You. Prompt us to always flee temptations of all kinds that would bring dishonor to Your name. We ask for favor; favor from You and from those we come into contact with so that You will be glorified in all our efforts. In the name of Jesus we pray all this. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. He was so amazing to resist her. Many men would give in for the momentary pleasure. He had tthe foresight and honour to realize what a betrayal it would be to his master who had withheld nothing from him, except his wife.
