Friday, September 27, 2013

Divine Mentor: Remember this!!! by Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading:  Haggai 1, 2, Psalm 129, Luke 10

 Haggai 1:5 - Give careful thought to your ways.

The book Haggai is only two chapters but the content is so powerful!!
God calls Haggai to be His messenger. Haggai tells the people they need to rebuild the temple - it had been 15 years since anyone has worked on it.  God's people were too busy building their own luxury houses and they forgot about finishing the Lord's temple.  They were doing good things but they did not put God first. Amazingly - the people listened and they starting working on God's house!!

God has called us to serve Him first!

Remember this:

1. We are created by God and destined by God to transform and change the world around us. 

 2. When I think of myself, I have to remember, God choses the unlikely to do the unimaginable.  

God Made Me.
 God chose Me.
 God called Me.
 God saved Me.
 God is with Me.

3.  We are so much more than the limitations we often place on ourselves.

4.  You and I are the answer to someone else's prayer!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Divine Mentor- Do I Ever Deny Self?

Ezra 4; Psalm 113, 127; Luke 9

Scripture: " ...'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.'"

Observation: I have heard Christ followers (and even non-believers) claim that their "cross to bear" is their sickness, or their wayward children, or their loss of a job. These are not crosses but circumstances. Very seldom are our circumstances the result of the denial of self, nor do we choose ("take up") them; however, the cross that Jesus carried was one that He willingly chose because He denied himself every earthly thing to which we feel we are entitled: comfort, personal time and space, family, financial stability, acceptance, job achievement, and finally, life itself.

Application: Christ plainly says this to me: " If you truly want to be my follower, you must be willing to see as unnecessary anything and everything that is more important to you than me." Definition of Sin--- Having my needs met by anyone or anything but God.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, You know what stands in the way of total surrender for me even if I don't. I confess that I think to "deny" myself an hour of sleep in the morning in order to read Your Word is a sacrifice. Please forgive me.  I pray for believers in countries such as Pakistan, India, and China who may today give their very lives to follow You. I want to follow You with that kind of denial of self, but it's usually the little things (such as just wanting my own private time and space) that get in the way. Show me what denying self means for me here in the life You have planned for me. Amen.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Divine Mentor: Single Minded by Laila Wahba

Luke 6.7
...and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor
This phrase stopped me, and let me think: when I leave this world, or even 
before I leave it; when I am not around and people want to describe me, what 
will they say? laila: who.....
I realized how my day to day living will always determine my final description.
Lord, as I live day in and day out, help me take wise choices, choices that will 
glorify you. Let people say about me like they did about Daniel (which we are 
still reading :)we shall not find any fault with her unless it is in connection 
to the law of her God.. What an honor that this would be my only fault.
Today Lord, let me walk closely to you, looking only at YOU. I Love you Lord


Friday, September 20, 2013

Divine Mentor- No Stone Unturned

Daniel 5-6; Psalm 130; Luke 3

Scripture: Luke 3:31 " the son of..., the son of Nathan, the son of David,"

Observation: Because it was critical that Jesus be of the lineage of King David (for so many reasons), God not only chose Joseph (descended from Solomon, Matt. 1:16) to be His earthly father but also made certain that Mary, His biological mother, was also in that line (through Nathan, 2 Sam. 5:14).

Application: Why is this the verse that speaks to me this morning when there are so many others in this reading--- the faithfulness of Daniel, the beautiful Psalm 130, John the Baptist, even the baptism of Jesus? As I watch the news (which I seldom do) or watch people try to make sense of their lives and the world around them, I cling to the absolute omnipotence of a God who is in total control. It would have been defensible for Jesus to be the legal Son of David (through Joseph, His father) or the natural Son of David (through Mary, His mother) ; however, God leaves no doubt, no stone unturned.

Prayer: Father, thank you for reminding me again today that You are in control and for giving me the confidence that You will leave no stone unturned in my life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Divine Mentor- Jesus Really Is Coming Back!

Ezekiel 42-44; Revelation 22
Scripture: Revelation 22:12. "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give everyone according to his work."

Observation: Quickly? Soon? No wonder the early Christians really thought Jesus was coming back during their lifetime. We would definitely not have said "quickly" or "soon" if we meant more than 2000 years later!

Application: I am reminded by these final words of John in the last book of the Bible that Jesus IS coming back and  that our 24 hour time does not exist for God. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us " with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." Today I want to live like the early Christians, believing that His return is imminent, because in God's timing it IS!

Prayer: Jesus, today I need You to help me keep my focus on You. Who can I tell today that You are ready and waiting to come back? Give me opportunities and a heart for people who do not know You and are not ready for Your return. Amen.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Divine Mentor- This is My God

Ezekiel 38-39; Psalm 145; Rev. 20

Scripture: Psalm 145
The Lord is gracious (8)
Compassionate (8)
Good to all (9)
Glorious (11)
Faithful (13)
Loving (13)
Righteous (17)
Near to all who call on Him (18)
Watches over all who love Him (20)
" Let every creature praise His Holy Name forever and ever" (21)

Observation: THIS is our God- there is none like Him.

Application: Why would I  ever put my trust in anyone or anything but this loving, righteous, faithful God who draws near when I call and watches over me?

Prayer: My Father, I feel Your glorious presence. Thank you for loving me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Ex 20:17 10th commandment Thou shalt not covet b hutchinson

Saturday Sept 14th is YOM KIPPUR, the last day of ATONEMENT. Last day of the 10 days of  AWE, day of REPENTANCE.      so we are to reflect on the 10th commandment to see how we have done & how we can do better in the future to obey it in the strength of JESUS.   So have we coveted our neighbors house, wife or husband, manservant, maidservant, ox, ass, nor any thing that belongs to our neighbor, being brutally honest about our thoughts & actions. Making no excuses, remember an excuse is a sin wrapped in a lie so we will not hold ourselves accountable for our thoughts & actions of sin but blame everyone else around us, i did that because you made me do that, its your fault I did that. We do not play games, the blame game started in the garden of Eden & has marched itself down through every generation till this last one.
Dictionary describes covet: to long, to desire, to be greedy, selfish, yearn, LUST after, seeking immediate or RUTHLESS satisfaction by force. In Ezek. 36:3 references infamy which is dishonor, disgrace describes the heathen coveting Israel. In verse 7 GOD promises to punish the heathen for their shame of coveting the LAND OF ISRAEL, the heathens neighbor.       So coveting brings SHAME, DISGRACE.  I want us to be bathed in GOD'S GRACE so we do not want to be heathens in GOD'S EYES.   The heathen brings the curse of shame & disgrace upon themselves. BUT GOD BRINGS BLESSINGS UPON HIS BELIEVERS!  GOD tells Israel HE does this in 37:22 & from there to the last verse38 ending with reference to FEAST ending with 1 of the 70 some times in ezekiel GOD says YOU SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD.
In Ezek 37:4-5 GOD said to Ezekiel to prophesy upon the dry bones etc. The dry bones are the victims of the ones the unbelieving neighbors had coveted. What GOD did for those who did not covet, GOD WILL CAUSE BREATH TO ENTER INTO SO THEY SHALL LIVE & NOT DIE. Ezek 37:26 GOD WILL MAKE A COVENANT OF PEACE WITH THEM.    GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!   AMEN.
Our GOD  is not a respector of persons, times, or generations. The same today with us as was with them yesterday & willbe tomorrow.  GODS covenants, commandments are everlasting promises for eternity.
In PS 23:1  The LORD is our SHEPHERD; we shall not WANT.      JESUS is all we could ever want, HE is everthing good pertaining to life eternal.  We need to concentrate on what we have in HIM  & all of Ps 23:1-6 is so GOOD explaining our richness in HIM, HE IS OUR BLESSING. Why or how would we want or need to covet anything of our neighbors possessions of this world supply that results in a curse of everything evil pertaining to our death.
Rev. 19:11 I want us to, SELAH, hope on our future of when we hear the trump & see heaven opened up & behold the white horse and our JESUS sitting upon the white horse, our JESUS called FAITHFUL & TRUE as HE calls up to meet JESUS in the air.
There is 5 days to the FEAST OF TABERNACLES, many jewish & gentile scholars know GOD IS A GOD order & we are HIS tabernacles, HIS temples, HE abides in us as we abide in HIM, together we abide in the FATHER, through the HOLY SPIRIT as a gift so we cannot be prideful or boast, just gratefully thankful for our salvation.     We will celebrate the FEAST OF TABERNACLES throughout eternity, the mightiest, most glorious family reunion celebration everlasting, GLORY HALLELUJAH!   MARANATHA COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS        AMEN!!!!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9th commandment EX20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor

Ezek. 33:1 begins with this warning that speaks of the sword. Our tongue is our sword of spirit, our weapon, in our weapon is the power of life or death. When we speak idle words of the world such as complaining, griping, murmuring, talking unbelief and false witnessing about oneanother, such as perjury, a criminal offense of intentional false testimony made under oath (made by placing hand on bible) thereby subjecting ones self to GOD'S spiritual law also mans physical law. If proven guilty they curse themselves. In GOD'S spiritual law the blood of JESUS on ones head as well as cursed by mans law punishable sometimes by execution of death or locked up in prison.
This is a serious, grevious crime of disobedience & not to be taken lightly. We are to refrain from all gossip, slander, swearing of lies to cause harm to anothers reputation, stirring up conflict, stealing someones peace of mind, etc.
This world excuses lies by coloring them as little white lies, really harmless, or I was only kidding, joking. But it is still a sin in GOD'S economy. Sin is sin, no lesser no greater, death is required for a little white lie as the worst planned & plotted mass murder ever commited.
Our sinless, innocent, pure SAVIOR was falsely accused by lieing witnesses, found guilty, put to death by the most excruciating, agonizing painful death. JESUS endured the shame & humiliation  willingly to pay the price for our sin because sin cannot pay for sin...the wages of sin is death...our deaths would have accomplished us nothing but sending us straight to hell, divorced from our FATHER for eternity. JESUS did not want to live through eternity with out one of us so HE paid the price we could not to reconcile us to the FATHER. as a gift so we cannot boast, or be prideful, just greatly thankful.  AMEN!  SELAH Think about that long and hard today. How truly grateful are we for HIS annointed sacrifice for us.
JESUS did not die on that cross for one big lump sum of sin but each & every sin we have ever commited, past, present, future. Sins we haven't even commited YET!
JESUS did not die on the cross for one big lump sum of humanity but each & every one of us individually, intimately. HE looked into the future & saw your face & tenderly lovingly laid down HIS life for you. Our intellects cannot wrap its self around that truth, our logics cannot compute that. It makes it no less true because we cannot describe it or explain it to the last jot, last tittle, we know instinctively it is true because we live by faith & not by sight.    Today let us reflect back & consider have we truly cricified our flesh, blood boned bodies, died to self our souls, yielded our pride of spirits to JESUS in joyful submissive obedience to honor our SAVIOR'S annointd sacrifice for us by doing the same for HIM. Do our words give true testimony & our actions testify our obedience to follow HIS example of the blessing of everything good pertaining to life OR do our words give false testimony to satan, following his example of the curse of everything evil pertaining to death.
Seventy times in the book of Ezekiel GOD uses the term "SO THEY WILL KNOW I AM THE LORD"
Ezek. 33:6  We believers are the watchman & if we do not sound the alarm, warning with our sword of spirit, our tongues giving true witness of JESUS. Those that we do not witness truth too & are not told of the danger of disobedience & fall prey to satans lies and are lost, left behind. Their blood will be on our heads, we will be held accountable when we stand before JESUS.
Our actions most often speak louder than words but we are to reflect JESUS in every aspect of our lives. Joy can be seen from a long distance away & touches everything in between. Lifting the spirits of all in its path as it is contagious, infectious, healing, cleansing our souls & hope is reborn.
My prayer is pleading the blood over our eyegates, eargates, soulgates, mouthgates to keep our spirits clean wide open to JESUS, contrite, humble, teachable, gentle, compassinate nurturing in JESUS divine image, divine nature, provision, prolife, children of joyful submissive obedience. Blessers, life givers, peace makers in full concious awareness.    IN THE ANNOINTED SACRIFICE OF OUR JESUS     AMEN!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

8th commandment EX 20:15 Thou shalt not steal b hutchinson

Stealing is not just physical like money, worldly possessions, but spiritually also, as stealing anothers faith, trust, belief which is our 3 braided umbilical cords, our life lines to our FATHER. In our divine mentor reading today is an excellent example of this Dan. 3.     Stealing is one of satans evil traits as GOD describes him as a liar, thief, robber who comes only to steal, kill & destroy.
The dictionary describes stealing as to take from another without right, authority or permission & usually in an artful, secret, stealthful, clandestine manner.
In Dan 3:4-6 Nebuchadnezzars idol statue was to be bowed down before & worshipped by EVERYONE.
The very chaldean magicians, astrologers who were to be put to death & all their family & possesions were to be wiped out because they could not interpret the kings dream of the idol & what it meant were so very jealous & wanted to STEAL all that the king gave to Dan. & the 3 Jewish men. All the worldly possessions of many great gifts, power of authority over the whole province & even over the chaldeons themselves. The king bestowed this on Daniel because he could & did interpret the kings dream through GOD giving him that ability.   The caldeons were not grateful or thankful that Daniel was the one who interceded & asked the king to spare the caldeons lives & families. The caldeons knew worshipping idols would be a sin against GOD for the 4 hebrew jews relationships with GOD. They accused Daniel in 3:8 that they sinned against Nebuchadezzars decree for their disobedience of never worshipping any idol  ONLY WORSHIPPING GOD.     They saw a perfect opportunity to STEAL back their positions of authority that they had NO RIGHT TO & TO ROB the jews of their spiritual & physical faith in GOD & in fear the jews would curse themselves:  remember the root of the curse is the fear of death. They thought they had won!!!!
Dan. 3:19 The king was so angry of the jews disobedience to his command that he ordered the furnace to be heated 7 times hotter.      B U T  the hebrew children prayed to GOD in Dan.3:16-18 a prayer we should learn, know & have ready when anyone tries to STEAL our peace, tranquility, calmness, harmony, serenity our complete satisfaction in our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY DADDY, our KING OF KINGS, OUR LORD OF LORDS. Being not afraid, but strong & courageous in our MINDS OF CHRIST so we do not satan STEAL, or any other brother or sister STEAL our JOY , our hope therefore we do not STEAL rob or destroy any others hope, faith, trust, belief in our covenant moral righteous, relationships with our SHEPHERD SAVIOR whose characteristics of honest, faithfulness to HIS word, promise, vow, oath covenant of everything good pertaining to life as a gift so we cannot be prideful, boast  just gratefully thankful & obey HIS commandments that are not grevious. They are the moral fabric, moral foundation, moral compass of our lives to be free of fear.
Our GOD keeps HIS word to us no matter what we do with it receive it or reject it, has no bearing on GOD'S word whatsoever it stands for eternity, immutable, never changing, steadfast, consistant, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, stable...GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS! IT IS HIS INTEGRITY.
So contrary to satans characteristics described as that which is concealed because hi is morally offensive with his victim mentality of fear he tries to project over onto us. We know the stark difference & in full conscious awareness take on our victor mentality of faith & thereby keeping our word/promise we make with & to our LORD, our word/promise we make with & to oneanother , our word/promise we make to ourselves....Just as faithfully then & only then do we function in GOD'S INTEGRITY as a gift so we cannot boast or be prideful.....Just gratefully thankful.      IN JESUS BODY, BLOOD & NAME    AMEN

The God of peace

Today’s Scripture
Daniel 1-2
Revelations 16

Though I didn't receive a clear message in today’s reading, I did receive an overall confirmation that everything I do with the assistance of prayer is going to be a solid decision/action.

My scripture today came from my “verse of the day” from the Bible app You Version. It is Philippians 4:9:  Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

This verse is confirming for me why death no longer wears me out emotionally.   I have the God of peace with me now because I have invited Him in through my obedience.  He is telling me that as long as I do what I know to be right according to His word, accept what His word is teaching me, listen and believe the testimony of others, and believe what He has done in my life personally He will be there with the protection of peace. 

This past week I have experienced death twice in my extended family. First, was a woman that was there for me during my pubescent years and she had been ill for quite some time.  The second was a young man in his early 20’s that I watched grow from a toddler.  With both deaths I felt very little sorrow for myself but felt/feeling more empathy for others. I have continuously prayed for God to ease their sorrow while reminding myself that they are with Him now. 

I will continue to follow His lead so that I may be able to lead more of His people to Him.  I am so grateful that His presence is with me through my daily journey and especially when things like the death of a loved one occurs He is there to remove the pain. 

We must always remember that through our obedience He is with us.  He isn’t just present for the good - He is present for the bad.  It is during those “bad” times whether large or small we must praise him for who is He is so that He can show us how much He loves us.  Remember that gentle exhale we feel that makes it go away is the love of God.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

7th Commandment Thou shalt not commit adultery barbara hutchinson

Adultery is both spiritual & physical unfaithfulness to GOD as well as one another.
Dan. 1 & 2 shows the stark difference of spiritual & physical adulltery of the consequences of unfaithfulness to GOD & to mankind.  Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah were captured as slaves & were being forced to bow down to the rules & regulations of the physical king of the Chaldeans who did not believe in GOD.
Trying to force to commit spiritual acultery of unfaithfulness to abandon their obedience to GOD. To break their relationships of faithfulness to GOD & act like the Caldeans. For the purpose of taking away their identity by renaming them with ungodly names.The hebrew meanings were very different from the babylonian names they wer given:
Daniel  means GOD is my judge                        changed to          Belteshazzar means protect own life
Hananiah . Jehovah hath been gracious              changed to          Shadrach. decree of the moon-god
Mishael.... Who is GOD                                   changed to          Meshach..god of the moon
Azariah.....Jehovah hath helped                         changed to          Abednego.a babylonian diety
Daniel not wanting to commit adultery against GOD ask Ashpenaz to treat them differently because of their belief & loyalty to GOD even to the point of their eating habits.
GOD  promises in Matt 7:7 Ask it shall be given GOD hears us even when we ask for the right thing from the wrong people, we will be given favor as GOD will move those people to agree. GOD is sovereignly in control & our words can move mountains if we do not commit spiritual/physical adultery of unbelief and receive life more abundantly as Daniel 1:19-20 declares in all matters of wisdom & understanding and they were proven to be 10 times better than their captors, the unbelievers. It makes a difference what kings table we eat at. Fruit of the spirit of life or fruit of the spirit of death.
In their obedience they kept their spirits clean to be wide open vessels for GOD to flow through them & they could physically be witnesses as well as slpiritually faithful as these cannot be seperated or there is no power in our lives. We are then afraid, weak, discouraged, hopeless. We want the power of spiritual & physical faithfulness so we are not afraid, but strong, courageous & hopefilled, joyfilled & victorious willing open vessels for GOD to flow through.
Just as Daniel 1:17 says As for these four children, GOD gave them knowledge & skill in all learning & wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in ALL visions & dreams. to have the ability to explain Nebuchadnezzar's dream that none of the kings magicians, astrologers, soothsayers could do. When Daniel was asked to interpret the dream Daniel gave all the credit to GOD, Daniel could have taken all the credit in his pride which is spiritual adultery, but he would have plugged up, dirtied up his spirit & GOD could not & would not have honored Daniel with the wisdom & understanding that gave Daniel favor in the eyes of the king that promoted all 4 of them to positions of authority over the affairs of Babylon as described in Daniel 2:48-49.
They wer not slaves but respected men of authority in the land of their captivity. In Rev. 16 We learn from the babylonians & their nation that commited spiritual & physical adultery against GOD paid dearly by cursing themselves with their words & actions.
I pray we learn from their disobeying the the 7th commandment & be willing earthen vessels by pressing into our DADDY & applying it to our lives today. GOD'S commandments are not grevious, they are the moral fabric, moral foundation, moral compass of our lives to live in a moral righteous relationship of joyful submissive obedience by our faith, trust & belief in HIM. Reflecting on how we have done in the last year, Realizing where we can grow closer to HIM the lover of our souls who never commits adultery to us, but it faithful & true to the last jot, last tittle!   IN JESUS NAME, BODY & BLOOD     AMEN!!!!


Monday, September 9, 2013

6th commandment Ex 20:13 Thou shalt not kill barbara hutchinson

Some bibles say kill  or murder .. to premeditate, plot, plan a persons death is a sin, it is repulsive to think we could do this on purpose, such as evil thing as to murder another with our hands.
BUT many do not think it is so evil to murder ones reputation, name by speaking idle words of malicious gossip.
GOD tells us HE hates 7 things in proverbs 6:16-19. These 6 things doth the LORD hate: yea 7 are an abomination unto HIM:
1. A proud look,
2. A lying TONGUE,
3. Hands that shed innocent blood,
4. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief,
6. A false witness that SPEAKS LIES,
7. He that SOWETH DISCORD among brethren.....which is gossiping.      3 of the 7 are murdering with our tongue which is our SWORDS OF SPIRIT. In our tongues is the power of life or death. By gossiping about one to another behind our backs, poisoning the regard of another person by sowing discord. Stealing the peace of the one we are gossiping to and the one we are gossiping about, ultimately poisoning our selves with GOD.
Again prov.18:20 the power of life or death is in our tongues and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. We can have a fresh sweet fragrance of the fruit of life at the tip of our tongue as a meal of blessing, or the stench of the fruit of death dripping from our tongue as a meal of cursing. We must be very  consciously aware of our words we speak into oneanother. Every word we speak is the container of faith or fear and they lay down like stones forming our path. We prophecy our own futures because what we speak today we walk straight into tomorrow. life blessing/death cursing. We can be vicious with our tongue & think it is ok if we couch it in the pretense of prayer for that person as we are enjoying talking about their problems. Much like Jobs so called friends who spoke directly to his face accusing Job he must have deserved his misfortune, he had to have intended to sin& they pompously felt it was their duty to point out it was his own fault.
Oh that we pray daily for GOD to cleave our tongues to the roof of our mouth so we cannot curse oneanother but bless oneanother, just as GOD did in the example of Balaam in all of Numbers but specifically 24:9 & 10. GOD would not let Balaam curse ISRAEL whom GOD had blessed. GOD is not a respecter of persons, times, or generations. What HE did for each of our DIVINE MENTORS HE will do for us when we place a demand upon it in faith & speak it out in trust & belief.
When we repent of gossip HE is faithful & true to strengthen us to be victorious over this sinful fault.
Our bible reading today in Lamentations 3 through 5 tells us in so many ways how to have victory over our tongues so we speak only moral righteous GODLY words of healing, blessings of life into oneanother for prayers of deliverance.
In Rev. 15:2,3,4 those who are saved in the tribulation gaining the victory over the beast sing the song of Moses worshipping & praising the anointed sacrifice of our LAMB for each of souls salvation set apart in reconciliation with our DADDY'S HOLINESS IN THE HOLY SPIRIT'S POWER.  Each of us seated in our rightful places at the table for our marriage supper with our LAMB LORD JESUS ...THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!!!!
There have been & are many humans named Jesus...This is YOUR human name..SON OF MAN.
LORD IS YOUR DEITY NAME ..all the power, authority, dominion of our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY...THE SON OF GOD.
YOU are our bridge from physical to spiritual everlasting life in the presence of our DADDY & no veil of sin between us ever again.  Today lets think back over this past year & have we applied this commandment to our daily lives & can we be hopeful of doing better & drawing closer to becoming more like JESUS & less like our old selves. GOD WILL GIVE US WISDOM WHEN WE ASK JUST LIKE SOLOMON.  OUR DADDY IS WAITING FOR US TO ASK.

5th commandment Ex 20:12 honor thy father & mother b hutchinson

This commandment begins in the home by the parents themselves.      GOD alone can change the heartsoul, YET HE gives HIS BLESSINGS to the good lessons & examples displayed by the parents and answers their prayers. for their children.     Parents who primarily worry that their children be successful in this worlds economy & often puts pressure on the children & sometimes does not teach their children to HONOR our FATHER who art in heaven & HIS spiritual economy which far exceeds this worlds economy of what is taught in our public schools especially today.
We  are to live by faith & not by sight of this world. What our children are learning by sight in this world is to fear everything & this is taking on satans victim mentality of fear so opposite of our victor mentality of JESUS in our minds of CHRIST in which is our safety, security, structure, stability, peace & protection when we honor our FATHER in heaven as HIS children, HIS family.
GOD'S chain of command begins with the father who is the leader, provider, protecter of the family, loving their wives in the example of our LORD JESUS loving us HIS bride unconditionally.
The wife is to joyfully in submission of respect to their husbands keeping her place in GOD'S chain of command.
This provides the peace & safe environment for the children to see, know & learn how to keep their places in GOD'S chain of command by honoring their father & mother.   The family pattern is the same pattern as the military chain of command because we are in a physical & a spiritual battle for each of our souls. The same ranks of command keep us in order & right standing with our DADDY.
In a perfect world which this is not till we are in heaven, GOD never leaves us, fails us, or forsakes us. HALLELUJAH!!! HE HONORS US  when truly try in HIS strength to keep our places even when we fail so we can honor our children when they try but sometimes fail, we are forgive them just as graciously as HE does us as their parents to show them how to have compassion for oneanother, in other words the chain goes both ways. We are to teach them to live by faith as we live by faith by word & deed. If they do not receive honor from home the family the chain is broken.
JESUS never asks us to do anything HE has not already done to show us the way to do it also so we can follow HIS example to our children.
GOD'S commandments is our moral fabric, moral foundations, moral compass of our lives to live in a right relationship with HIM  as HIS family & with oneanother in peace in ourselves.  HE IS OUR HOPE for the second part of that commandment.......that our days may be long upon the land which the LORD OUR GOD gives us. which is our training ground, our boot camp  to learn to be like HIM & not our old selves.   So today we are to reflect, remember by looking back have we honored HIM by our obedience thereby teaching our children to honor HIM as we honor HIM so they can learn to honor us so they can be blessed in obeying the 5th commandment.
We are all HIS children believers & unbelievers, some obey & some do not obey, as our children are not all the same, but we all want to be blessed so we must HONOR OUR FATHER ...FIRST only then can all else fall into place as HE commands it should. Despite this fallen world.
OUR FATHER KEEPS HIS OWN COMMANDMENTS  toward us..thats amazing to us. HE is our hope to do better & rise up in the ranks of each command in each phase of our lives.
As we read OBADIAH today in the context of spiritual & physical warfare we see the results of disobedience to the commandments & each of our places of responsibility that comes in full circle.
GOD is the beginning & the end, a completed unbroken circle (a gilgal) a never ending supply of everything good pertaining to life. HE wants us to receive it full measure, pressed down, shaken tohether, running over in abundance. Just as we do for our children. IT ALL BEGINS IN THE HOME. OUR GOD IS BIG ON FAMILY.
Rev. 14:3 Soon & very soon we will be singing a new sons before the throne in perfect harmony, the most glorious family reunion celebration that will extend throughout eternity in the presence of our DADDY & HONOR WILL REIGN SUPREME. Our hope fulfilled beyond our wildest imaginations.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

4TH Command falls on our sabbath sunday which is tomorrow barbara hutchinson

Ex 20:4 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.        Six days shalt thou labour, and do all they work: But the 7th day is the sabbath of the LORD THEY GOD: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in 6 days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the 7th day; wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, & hallowed it.

In Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday or of the new moon, or ofthe sabbath days: 17 which are a shadow of things to come;
In Mark 2:27 And HE said unto them, the sabbath was made FOR man, & not man for the sabbath: Therefore the SON OF MAN is LORD also of the sabbath.

In otherwords mans souls are more important than mere tradition of religion which is works if you only attend church for brownie points with GOD. It must be sincerely seeking the presence of the LORD to draw nearer to HIM in so doing we want to be like HIM. Mimicing someone is the highest form of respecting that person but we must know that person from the inside out & so we seek the LORD early on the first day of the week by gathering ourselves with brothers & sisters that are also seeking to be like JESUS. So we can REST  in HIM & remove the clutter & noise of the world out of day. In GOD'S PRESENCE there is NO confusion, anger, wrath, vengenance, that belongs to the worlds way. In GOD there is only peace, tranquility, calmness, harmony, serenity, complete satisfaction of HIM, with HIM, so we can be HOLY which means ..... SET APART to, for, about, of, with our DADDY. Keeping our minds of CHRIST truly focused on HIM laying aside all the cares of this world & truly REST in HIM the lover of our souls.

Jere. 42:11 Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, (the enemy) of whom ye are afraid; be not afraid of him, saith the LORD: for I am with you to save you, and to deliver you from his hand.
If we truly with all of our heart souls come on sabbath day to WORSHIP & PRAISE HIM, for all the good things HE has done for us individually & truly be set apart from this world by our own decisions to care more about HIS opinion than any other of this world be it husband, wife, children, parents, friends, or any one we may be afraid of what they think about us living our lives for HIM.
All day tomorrow think back on just how holy (set apart we truly are with HIM) & live seperate of what this world does & thinks, and ask for wisdom to search our heartsouls & ask for HIS strength to turn from any way we have wandered off into this worlds way & thoughts,  HE  is faithful & true to give us that wisdom because HE know what is in our best interest  far, far better than we do.
This will please our DADDY beyond our wildest imaginations. The battlefield is the mind, we either think in our MINDS OF CHRIST or in our carnal minds of enmity against GOD. One or the other, we have to make that choice individually each day.        Can we do better these last days we have on this earth to obey the 4th commandment.

I pray not one hindering spirit can keep one brother or one sister from gathering together tomorrow our sabbath day & not one leaves unsaved, each changed in the image of our LORD JESUS. The most glorious awakening, revival exploding in every sancturary so each of us can take our rightful places in YOUR BODY SWEET CHRIST connecting with YOU our head our MINDS OF CHRIST, sharp, alert, established, confirmed in you the TRUTH.     By YOUR BODY, BLOOD & NAME LORD JESUS   AMEN!!!

#3 commandment..thou shalt not take the LORD'S NAME in vain barbara hutchinson

Ex 20:7 thou shalt not take the LORD'S NAME in vain; for the LORD will not hold you guiltless that takes HIS name in vain.   vain in dictionary means unproductive, empty, worthless, fruitless, without hope, no purpose, no effect.   James 5:16 says the effectual prayers of a righteous person availeth much. In other words having dynamic power in its working.
Therefore it does not mean just cursing or cussing in the name of the LORD alone as most people thinks that it means. It is vitally important to every aspect of our lives of victory of being able to bless one another & ourselves in the process. We need to reflect on each WORD we speak to GOD, one another, ourselves, because JESUS is THE WORD, THE NAME OF THE LORD with all the power of THE LORD'S NAME behind it.
As we read todays lessons in 2nd Kings 25 of tearing down the temple (1st cor. 3:16 we are the temple of GOD) we can apply the third comm. to see if we are tearing down the temples of our bros. or sisters with idle words of gossip thereby our own temples having no effect of blessing one another. Remember the old testament was physical the new testament is spiritual & the SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLS IN US today. we must reflect on this past year if we gossiped in vain. Can we do better this year?
2 chron. 36:16 they mocked the messengers of GOD, & despised HIS WORDS, & misused HIS prophets until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people till there was no remedy. (no hope, fruitfulness, purpose, not effect.)
Jeremiah 40 - 41 tells us Ishmael was cursed & cursed in vain. he brought this upon himself.
Rev. 12:11,12 And they overcame him (satan)by the blood of the LAMB, JESUS THE WORD,  AND, by the WORD of their testimony; & they loved not their lives unto the death (the curse). Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them (us). Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.
When we worship & pray in the LORDS NAME  and not in vain because HE has overcome satan FOR us whom HE loves, we should reflect on the words we speak. Not let them be idle words of the world that are death of griping, murmuring, complaining, talking unbelief, but words of rejoicing, gratefulness, thankfulness for the victory of being free of fear.
We reverence the LORD by being not afraid, strong & courageous in our three braided umbilical cords of FAITH, TRUST & BELIEF our lifelines attached to the WORD, OUR JESUS, our VICTOR MENTALITES, OUR FREEDOM OF FEAR.  The root of the curse is the fear of death!
Reflect on what we say because the power of life or death is in our tongues, we use our them to GLORIFY OUR LORD.     GLORY HALLELUJAH, IN JESUS NAME     AMEN.   
WE ARE BLESSED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Divine Mentor: Revelation 11: The Two Witnesses by Hilary Litzinger

What Faith Can Do

Today's Reading: Revelation 11:3-12
Instead of a specific verse, I enjoyed the passage of The Two Witnesses. In this time of the beginning of the end, God appointed two people to prophesy for 1,260 days! They will speak the word of the Lord, the beast from the abyss will kill them, but three and a half days later, God will give them life for all to see.
I'm in love with the story of these two witnesses God will send to prophesy the end. Whoever they are I know that they will have a GREAT faith! I'm sure standing on the streets in sackcloth, people around them may look down on them. They may be poor or whatever the case may be; their appearance I am sure will put a judgement in others' hearts. You don't see many people these days walking around in sackcloth. I am used to seeing people in mostly high end fashion clothing. Depending on the setting of where these witnesses will stand most likely they will be looked down upon. I've seen people in my days see someone who isn't fortunate and be afraid of them for whatever reason. On top of not looking suitable, they are speaking God's word, and they probably won't be pretty words of encouragement either. I'm sure they'll be prophesying of the sin's that have been committed and to repent, the Lord is coming! In today's world, people that aren't Christians do not want to hear about God coming after them or the fact that they are going to die for the sin's committed. Others may think they are looney birds, gone koo koo in the head. Others will most likely be mocking them, but THEY WILL PROPHESY FOR 1,260 DAYS! I love the word of God and sharing that with people, but I'm not sure how I'd react when telling someone about the wrath that's coming and then be ridiculed for it. I truly believe that this day will come.

Usually, when God comes into a conversation with an unbeliever and I share my belief and they don't agree, it's hard for me to bring the subject but up. These witnesses will surely have others discouraging them, but will continue to do it until the beast kills them for it. They will have such a great faith that God will give them power to devour enemies with their mouths, send out plagues, and such when they wanted! God gives us power to do day to day things when we have faith but a faith that BIG deserves great power. I can only imagine of such a great faith. The best part is when the beast attacks them and he THINKS he has shut them up for good. Think again, God breathes life back into them after three and a half days of time. And the people on the streets get to see them lifted up into the heavens. It is funny to think of the beast and how he probably thinks that he took care of it and doesn't have to worry about hearing anymore of it and then the commotion that is risen on the streets of these witnesses bring brought back to life and then lifted into the skies! 

On the side note, I was thinking about the witnesses and their relationship to each other. God didn't just want one person to prophesy, he wants two. It is very encouraging to be in the word of God with another believer. One believer is good but to bring two or more believers together can bring power! Oh, what faith can do when you bring it together.

Heavenly Father, help me to build my faith, to build my relationship with you and others, so that we can face the enemy and do the works you have called us to do. Give me the strength and courage of these two witnesses. In Jesus Name, Amen! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Divine Mentor- Forever King

Ezekiel 29-32; Revelation 11

Scripture: Rev. 11:15. "...and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, ' The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.' "

Observation: Forever and ever! Ruled by Jesus! Satan defeated, sin overcome, no more pain, no more death. New Heaven, New Earth. Everyone knowing the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ!

Application: How many times have I heard this verse? Read it? Sung it? Over and over and over. I can never get enough of it. Without a doubt, it is true. God has never failed to keep a promise-.  He promised a Savior!   Now He promises a King!  Our lives may be in turmoil and our world out of control , but Jesus is coming back, and He shall reign FOREVER AND EVER!

Prayer: O God, I honor You for Your wisdom and power and I thank You for this promise of the reign of Jesus forever. Help me today to live in the expectation of this forever kingdom. Amen.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Divine Mentor: Sell Myself to What??? by Hiliary Litzinger

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 22-24, Revelation 9

Verse that spoke to me:
Ezekiel 23:29
"They will deal with you in hatred and take everything you have worked for. They will leave you naked and bare, and the shame of your prostitution will be exposed."

I believe in this passage God is speaking to Ezekiel about the cities of Samaria and Jerusalem and prostituting themselves to the Assyrians. Basically they are, as I see it, giving themselves up for the things that Assyria has. It reads earlier that the cities lusted over what they had seen. Instead of giving themselves to God they went after things that have no meaning and turned away from God's ways. So God is sending the Babylonians to strip them of everything that they own and "burn them in the melting pot."

I know that nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature. I've been dealing with my fleshly desires frequently in the past few weeks. It's been hard to follow the path of righteousness. There are sins that I have committed, in the form of the prostitution metaphor, in this passage. Recently, I've technically given myself to someone/something hoping to get something in return. Either for my benefit or my own plan, not God's plan. Reading this helped me realize that in doing that, I have opened doors for the enemy to attack me. And when committing sin you give birth to death. I know, in Christ, that is not the person that I am. I am a new creation in Christ and He is the light that shines through me. He does not leave us bare and shameful. There is nothing worse than "prostituting" or selling your soul to the enemy. You may think that things are groovy with all that you may be receiving in return, but sometimes you're giving up something that has more meaning. For instance, your life or even true happiness. In the end it will show what what you have given your life to. Anything done or built with the Devil's hands will be burnt and put to shame. I choose to have God help me on my workings so that He will be well pleased and glorified in the end.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you give me the strength and courage to follow your footsteps. I dare not want to be in lust or intrigued in things that will only lead to sin. I only want to please you and show others a the life that is worth living for. In Jesus Name, AMEN!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Divine Mentor - Obedience like Ezekiel - by: Debbie McGrath

Today's Reading:  Ezekiel 22-24, Revelation 9

When I was reading these chapters in Ezekiel it so reminded me of the world we live in today. Ezekiel is a prophet and thru out this book Ezekiel says: The Lord says to me:. Ezekiel was obedient and would tell the people exactly what God shared with him. The news Ezekiel shared was horrible news - he basically told the people they would be destroyed because of their actions. He could of been killed by the Israelites with the news he was sharing.  

Ezekiel's obeyed God wholeheartedly.  I should be obedient wholeheartedly to God.  When God ask me to share or reach out to someone - why do I hesitate.
I have good news to share!  When God puts a person on my mind to call or send an encouraging note to - I should make this a priority in my life.  

God has called me to be obedient even when I don't feel like it.  
God I pray, that I am willing to serve you completely as Ezekiel did!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Psalm 112:1 The fall feasts Barbara Hutchinson

Ps 112:1 Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth (obeys in faith), that delighteth greatly in his commandments.
Thursday is the first of the three fall feasts, it is called ROSH HA SHANNA. meaning the first of the jewish new year. 10 days later on Sat. 14th is YOM KIPPUR or also known as DAY OF ATONEMENT.  Then 5 days later on Thursday 19th is FEAST OF TABERNACLES.
Many biblical scholars that know & follow the jewish belief say that the ten days signify we are to study & reflect on each commandment individually to see if we have actually obeyed it this past year. How it affected our thinking & thereby our actions. Did we really take it serious & apply it to situations that arose & were we successful & did we have fruit of it that changed our lives and those involved around us. These are also known as DAYS OF AWE  or DAYS OF REPENTANCE. Showing us if we truly are in a COVENANT, MORAL RIGHTEOUS RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR LORD, in our three braided umbilical cord, our lifeline of faith, trust & belief in our joyful, submissive, obedience to our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY DADDY. 
Exodus 20:3
day 1    Thou shalt have no other gods before me
day 2    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image  (idols made with our own hands & bow down to 
                 worship them.
day 3    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD  thy GOD in vain.     no cussing or cursing
day 4    Remember the sabbath day & keep it holy.
day 5    Honor thy father & mother
day 6    Thou shalt not kill............murder with tongue by gossip, or with thy hands.
day 7    Thou shalt not commit adultry
day 8    Thou shalt not steal
day 9    Thou shalt not bear false lieing
day 10  Thou shalt not covet
This takes us to DAY OF ATONEMENT OR YOM KIPPUR and this means after reflecting on how we did through out the year and brutally honest with ourselves making no excuses (an excuse is a sin wrapped in a lie so we will not hold ourselves accountable for our sin but blame made me do that or its your fault I did that) truly look within ourselves did we really try or not to be successful. Then we can in PEACE be at-one-ment with our DADDY knowing we did our best in HIS strength, knowledge & wisdom.
KNOWLEDGE IS AN INPUT.........WISDOM IS THE OUTPUT!!!!!!!!! IT VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT WE SEEK THIS FROM HIM by remembering how we did in obeying HIM this past year. When we truly reflect & HE sees we are trying HE honors that tremendously because HE knows our faults, weaknesses and our vulnerabilities far better than we do. As parents we do this for our children HE so graciously shares with us why would we think HE would not do this for us.
HE just wants us to be very conciously aware of our actions and the 10 commandments are only a guideline to live in a moral righteous relationship with HIM. They are the moral fabric, foundation and moral compass of our lives to live in HIS safety, security, structure, stability and protection of HIS RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND over us.
As we reflect back on this last year we are to talk to HIM about our obedience and ask for wisdom on how to grow up in HIM and where we can be better. HE promises there is always room to grow but we must know where we are TODAY.    Not live in the past, yesterday is over, we are look forward to tomorrow but its not here yet, we are to be conciously aware of this precise moment of TODAY.
The last feast is TABERNACLES and this is the feast we will celebrate through out eternity in the presence of our DADDY. In otherwords the magnificence of the mightiest FAMILY REUNION CELEBRATION in the full SHEKINAH GLORY OF OUR FATHER FOR ETERNITY.    GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!
We are the tabernacles, the temples our LORD JESUS. We are HIS body seated in our rightful places at the table for MARRIAGE SUPPER WITH OUR LAMB. A never ending supply of freedom of worshipping our DADDY and peace we have never experienced before. What could be more hopeful than that.   WE ARE TRULY BLESSED BEYOND OUR WILDEST IMAGINATIONS.
GOD BLESS YOU          AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Divine Mentor--Out of the Mundane

Ezekiel 20-21; Psalm 111; Revelation 8

Scripture: Ps. 111:3 "Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever."

Observation: Most days we are caught up in the mundane: the everyday stuff, the schedule, the problems, the disappointments.  Occasionally we see a beautiful sunset or experience an emotional "high" , but most of the time it seems like it's just enough to get through the day crisis-free.

Application: Today this verse reminds me that God's glory and majesty are evident every day and in everything. I will praise Him all day long!  I will look for Him  to reveal Himself, and I will listen for Him to speak to me.  Yes, to me!!  He loves ME that much.

Prayer: O God of glory and majesty, help me today to see You everywhere and in everything.