Stealing is not just physical like money, worldly possessions, but spiritually also, as stealing anothers faith, trust, belief which is our 3 braided umbilical cords, our life lines to our FATHER. In our divine mentor reading today is an excellent example of this Dan. 3. Stealing is one of satans evil traits as GOD describes him as a liar, thief, robber who comes only to steal, kill & destroy.
The dictionary describes stealing as to take from another without right, authority or permission & usually in an artful, secret, stealthful, clandestine manner.
In Dan 3:4-6 Nebuchadnezzars idol statue was to be bowed down before & worshipped by EVERYONE.
The very chaldean magicians, astrologers who were to be put to death & all their family & possesions were to be wiped out because they could not interpret the kings dream of the idol & what it meant were so very jealous & wanted to STEAL all that the king gave to Dan. & the 3 Jewish men. All the worldly possessions of many great gifts, power of authority over the whole province & even over the chaldeons themselves. The king bestowed this on Daniel because he could & did interpret the kings dream through GOD giving him that ability. The caldeons were not grateful or thankful that Daniel was the one who interceded & asked the king to spare the caldeons lives & families. The caldeons knew worshipping idols would be a sin against GOD for the 4 hebrew jews relationships with GOD. They accused Daniel in 3:8 that they sinned against Nebuchadezzars decree for their disobedience of never worshipping any idol ONLY WORSHIPPING GOD. They saw a perfect opportunity to STEAL back their positions of authority that they had NO RIGHT TO & TO ROB the jews of their spiritual & physical faith in GOD & in fear the jews would curse themselves: remember the root of the curse is the fear of death. They thought they had won!!!!
Dan. 3:19 The king was so angry of the jews disobedience to his command that he ordered the furnace to be heated 7 times hotter. B U T the hebrew children prayed to GOD in Dan.3:16-18 a prayer we should learn, know & have ready when anyone tries to STEAL our peace, tranquility, calmness, harmony, serenity our complete satisfaction in our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY DADDY, our KING OF KINGS, OUR LORD OF LORDS. Being not afraid, but strong & courageous in our MINDS OF CHRIST so we do not satan STEAL, or any other brother or sister STEAL our JOY , our hope therefore we do not STEAL rob or destroy any others hope, faith, trust, belief in our covenant moral righteous, relationships with our SHEPHERD SAVIOR whose characteristics of honest, faithfulness to HIS word, promise, vow, oath covenant of everything good pertaining to life as a gift so we cannot be prideful, boast just gratefully thankful & obey HIS commandments that are not grevious. They are the moral fabric, moral foundation, moral compass of our lives to be free of fear.
Our GOD keeps HIS word to us no matter what we do with it receive it or reject it, has no bearing on GOD'S word whatsoever it stands for eternity, immutable, never changing, steadfast, consistant, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, stable...GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS! IT IS HIS INTEGRITY.
So contrary to satans characteristics described as that which is concealed because hi is morally offensive with his victim mentality of fear he tries to project over onto us. We know the stark difference & in full conscious awareness take on our victor mentality of faith & thereby keeping our word/promise we make with & to our LORD, our word/promise we make with & to oneanother , our word/promise we make to ourselves....Just as faithfully then & only then do we function in GOD'S INTEGRITY as a gift so we cannot boast or be prideful.....Just gratefully thankful. IN JESUS BODY, BLOOD & NAME AMEN
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