Ezek. 33:1 begins with this warning that speaks of the sword. Our tongue is our sword of spirit, our weapon, in our weapon is the power of life or death. When we speak idle words of the world such as complaining, griping, murmuring, talking unbelief and false witnessing about oneanother, such as perjury, a criminal offense of intentional false testimony made under oath (made by placing hand on bible) thereby subjecting ones self to GOD'S spiritual law also mans physical law. If proven guilty they curse themselves. In GOD'S spiritual law the blood of JESUS on ones head as well as cursed by mans law punishable sometimes by execution of death or locked up in prison.
This is a serious, grevious crime of disobedience & not to be taken lightly. We are to refrain from all gossip, slander, swearing of lies to cause harm to anothers reputation, stirring up conflict, stealing someones peace of mind, etc.
This world excuses lies by coloring them as little white lies, really harmless, or I was only kidding, joking. But it is still a sin in GOD'S economy. Sin is sin, no lesser no greater, death is required for a little white lie as the worst planned & plotted mass murder ever commited.
Our sinless, innocent, pure SAVIOR was falsely accused by lieing witnesses, found guilty, put to death by the most excruciating, agonizing painful death. JESUS endured the shame & humiliation willingly to pay the price for our sin because sin cannot pay for sin...the wages of sin is death...our deaths would have accomplished us nothing but sending us straight to hell, divorced from our FATHER for eternity. JESUS did not want to live through eternity with out one of us so HE paid the price we could not to reconcile us to the FATHER. as a gift so we cannot boast, or be prideful, just greatly thankful. AMEN! SELAH Think about that long and hard today. How truly grateful are we for HIS annointed sacrifice for us.
JESUS did not die on that cross for one big lump sum of sin but each & every sin we have ever commited, past, present, future. Sins we haven't even commited YET!
JESUS did not die on the cross for one big lump sum of humanity but each & every one of us individually, intimately. HE looked into the future & saw your face & tenderly lovingly laid down HIS life for you. Our intellects cannot wrap its self around that truth, our logics cannot compute that. It makes it no less true because we cannot describe it or explain it to the last jot, last tittle, we know instinctively it is true because we live by faith & not by sight. Today let us reflect back & consider have we truly cricified our flesh, blood boned bodies, died to self our souls, yielded our pride of spirits to JESUS in joyful submissive obedience to honor our SAVIOR'S annointd sacrifice for us by doing the same for HIM. Do our words give true testimony & our actions testify our obedience to follow HIS example of the blessing of everything good pertaining to life OR do our words give false testimony to satan, following his example of the curse of everything evil pertaining to death.
Seventy times in the book of Ezekiel GOD uses the term "SO THEY WILL KNOW I AM THE LORD"
Ezek. 33:6 We believers are the watchman & if we do not sound the alarm, warning with our sword of spirit, our tongues giving true witness of JESUS. Those that we do not witness truth too & are not told of the danger of disobedience & fall prey to satans lies and are lost, left behind. Their blood will be on our heads, we will be held accountable when we stand before JESUS.
Our actions most often speak louder than words but we are to reflect JESUS in every aspect of our lives. Joy can be seen from a long distance away & touches everything in between. Lifting the spirits of all in its path as it is contagious, infectious, healing, cleansing our souls & hope is reborn.
My prayer is pleading the blood over our eyegates, eargates, soulgates, mouthgates to keep our spirits clean wide open to JESUS, contrite, humble, teachable, gentle, compassinate nurturing in JESUS divine image, divine nature, provision, prolife, children of joyful submissive obedience. Blessers, life givers, peace makers in full concious awareness. IN THE ANNOINTED SACRIFICE OF OUR JESUS AMEN!
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