Saturday Sept 14th is YOM KIPPUR, the last day of ATONEMENT. Last day of the 10 days of AWE, day of REPENTANCE. so we are to reflect on the 10th commandment to see how we have done & how we can do better in the future to obey it in the strength of JESUS. So have we coveted our neighbors house, wife or husband, manservant, maidservant, ox, ass, nor any thing that belongs to our neighbor, being brutally honest about our thoughts & actions. Making no excuses, remember an excuse is a sin wrapped in a lie so we will not hold ourselves accountable for our thoughts & actions of sin but blame everyone else around us, i did that because you made me do that, its your fault I did that. We do not play games, the blame game started in the garden of Eden & has marched itself down through every generation till this last one.
Dictionary describes covet: to long, to desire, to be greedy, selfish, yearn, LUST after, seeking immediate or RUTHLESS satisfaction by force. In Ezek. 36:3 references infamy which is dishonor, disgrace describes the heathen coveting Israel. In verse 7 GOD promises to punish the heathen for their shame of coveting the LAND OF ISRAEL, the heathens neighbor. So coveting brings SHAME, DISGRACE. I want us to be bathed in GOD'S GRACE so we do not want to be heathens in GOD'S EYES. The heathen brings the curse of shame & disgrace upon themselves. BUT GOD BRINGS BLESSINGS UPON HIS BELIEVERS! GOD tells Israel HE does this in 37:22 & from there to the last verse38 ending with reference to FEAST ending with 1 of the 70 some times in ezekiel GOD says YOU SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD.
In Ezek 37:4-5 GOD said to Ezekiel to prophesy upon the dry bones etc. The dry bones are the victims of the ones the unbelieving neighbors had coveted. What GOD did for those who did not covet, GOD WILL CAUSE BREATH TO ENTER INTO SO THEY SHALL LIVE & NOT DIE. Ezek 37:26 GOD WILL MAKE A COVENANT OF PEACE WITH THEM. GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! AMEN.
Our GOD is not a respector of persons, times, or generations. The same today with us as was with them yesterday & willbe tomorrow. GODS covenants, commandments are everlasting promises for eternity.
In PS 23:1 The LORD is our SHEPHERD; we shall not WANT. JESUS is all we could ever want, HE is everthing good pertaining to life eternal. We need to concentrate on what we have in HIM & all of Ps 23:1-6 is so GOOD explaining our richness in HIM, HE IS OUR BLESSING. Why or how would we want or need to covet anything of our neighbors possessions of this world supply that results in a curse of everything evil pertaining to our death.
Rev. 19:11 I want us to, SELAH, hope on our future of when we hear the trump & see heaven opened up & behold the white horse and our JESUS sitting upon the white horse, our JESUS called FAITHFUL & TRUE as HE calls up to meet JESUS in the air.
There is 5 days to the FEAST OF TABERNACLES, many jewish & gentile scholars know GOD IS A GOD order & we are HIS tabernacles, HIS temples, HE abides in us as we abide in HIM, together we abide in the FATHER, through the HOLY SPIRIT as a gift so we cannot be prideful or boast, just gratefully thankful for our salvation. We will celebrate the FEAST OF TABERNACLES throughout eternity, the mightiest, most glorious family reunion celebration everlasting, GLORY HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS AMEN!!!!!!
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