Today's Reading: Ezekiel 22-24, Revelation 9
When I was reading these chapters in Ezekiel it so reminded me of the world we live in today. Ezekiel is a prophet and thru out this book Ezekiel says: The Lord says to me:. Ezekiel was obedient and would tell the people exactly what God shared with him. The news Ezekiel shared was horrible news - he basically told the people they would be destroyed because of their actions. He could of been killed by the Israelites with the news he was sharing.
Ezekiel's obeyed God wholeheartedly. I should be obedient wholeheartedly to God. When God ask me to share or reach out to someone - why do I hesitate.
I have good news to share! When God puts a person on my mind to call or send an encouraging note to - I should make this a priority in my life.
God has called me to be obedient even when I don't feel like it.
God I pray, that I am willing to serve you completely as Ezekiel did!!!
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