Monday, September 9, 2013

5th commandment Ex 20:12 honor thy father & mother b hutchinson

This commandment begins in the home by the parents themselves.      GOD alone can change the heartsoul, YET HE gives HIS BLESSINGS to the good lessons & examples displayed by the parents and answers their prayers. for their children.     Parents who primarily worry that their children be successful in this worlds economy & often puts pressure on the children & sometimes does not teach their children to HONOR our FATHER who art in heaven & HIS spiritual economy which far exceeds this worlds economy of what is taught in our public schools especially today.
We  are to live by faith & not by sight of this world. What our children are learning by sight in this world is to fear everything & this is taking on satans victim mentality of fear so opposite of our victor mentality of JESUS in our minds of CHRIST in which is our safety, security, structure, stability, peace & protection when we honor our FATHER in heaven as HIS children, HIS family.
GOD'S chain of command begins with the father who is the leader, provider, protecter of the family, loving their wives in the example of our LORD JESUS loving us HIS bride unconditionally.
The wife is to joyfully in submission of respect to their husbands keeping her place in GOD'S chain of command.
This provides the peace & safe environment for the children to see, know & learn how to keep their places in GOD'S chain of command by honoring their father & mother.   The family pattern is the same pattern as the military chain of command because we are in a physical & a spiritual battle for each of our souls. The same ranks of command keep us in order & right standing with our DADDY.
In a perfect world which this is not till we are in heaven, GOD never leaves us, fails us, or forsakes us. HALLELUJAH!!! HE HONORS US  when truly try in HIS strength to keep our places even when we fail so we can honor our children when they try but sometimes fail, we are forgive them just as graciously as HE does us as their parents to show them how to have compassion for oneanother, in other words the chain goes both ways. We are to teach them to live by faith as we live by faith by word & deed. If they do not receive honor from home the family the chain is broken.
JESUS never asks us to do anything HE has not already done to show us the way to do it also so we can follow HIS example to our children.
GOD'S commandments is our moral fabric, moral foundations, moral compass of our lives to live in a right relationship with HIM  as HIS family & with oneanother in peace in ourselves.  HE IS OUR HOPE for the second part of that commandment.......that our days may be long upon the land which the LORD OUR GOD gives us. which is our training ground, our boot camp  to learn to be like HIM & not our old selves.   So today we are to reflect, remember by looking back have we honored HIM by our obedience thereby teaching our children to honor HIM as we honor HIM so they can learn to honor us so they can be blessed in obeying the 5th commandment.
We are all HIS children believers & unbelievers, some obey & some do not obey, as our children are not all the same, but we all want to be blessed so we must HONOR OUR FATHER ...FIRST only then can all else fall into place as HE commands it should. Despite this fallen world.
OUR FATHER KEEPS HIS OWN COMMANDMENTS  toward us..thats amazing to us. HE is our hope to do better & rise up in the ranks of each command in each phase of our lives.
As we read OBADIAH today in the context of spiritual & physical warfare we see the results of disobedience to the commandments & each of our places of responsibility that comes in full circle.
GOD is the beginning & the end, a completed unbroken circle (a gilgal) a never ending supply of everything good pertaining to life. HE wants us to receive it full measure, pressed down, shaken tohether, running over in abundance. Just as we do for our children. IT ALL BEGINS IN THE HOME. OUR GOD IS BIG ON FAMILY.
Rev. 14:3 Soon & very soon we will be singing a new sons before the throne in perfect harmony, the most glorious family reunion celebration that will extend throughout eternity in the presence of our DADDY & HONOR WILL REIGN SUPREME. Our hope fulfilled beyond our wildest imaginations.

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