Some bibles say kill or murder .. to premeditate, plot, plan a persons death is a sin, it is repulsive to think we could do this on purpose, such as evil thing as to murder another with our hands.
BUT many do not think it is so evil to murder ones reputation, name by speaking idle words of malicious gossip.
GOD tells us HE hates 7 things in proverbs 6:16-19. These 6 things doth the LORD hate: yea 7 are an abomination unto HIM:
1. A proud look,
2. A lying TONGUE,
3. Hands that shed innocent blood,
4. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief,
6. A false witness that SPEAKS LIES,
7. He that SOWETH DISCORD among brethren.....which is gossiping. 3 of the 7 are murdering with our tongue which is our SWORDS OF SPIRIT. In our tongues is the power of life or death. By gossiping about one to another behind our backs, poisoning the regard of another person by sowing discord. Stealing the peace of the one we are gossiping to and the one we are gossiping about, ultimately poisoning our selves with GOD.
Again prov.18:20 the power of life or death is in our tongues and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. We can have a fresh sweet fragrance of the fruit of life at the tip of our tongue as a meal of blessing, or the stench of the fruit of death dripping from our tongue as a meal of cursing. We must be very consciously aware of our words we speak into oneanother. Every word we speak is the container of faith or fear and they lay down like stones forming our path. We prophecy our own futures because what we speak today we walk straight into tomorrow. life blessing/death cursing. We can be vicious with our tongue & think it is ok if we couch it in the pretense of prayer for that person as we are enjoying talking about their problems. Much like Jobs so called friends who spoke directly to his face accusing Job he must have deserved his misfortune, he had to have intended to sin& they pompously felt it was their duty to point out it was his own fault.
Oh that we pray daily for GOD to cleave our tongues to the roof of our mouth so we cannot curse oneanother but bless oneanother, just as GOD did in the example of Balaam in all of Numbers but specifically 24:9 & 10. GOD would not let Balaam curse ISRAEL whom GOD had blessed. GOD is not a respecter of persons, times, or generations. What HE did for each of our DIVINE MENTORS HE will do for us when we place a demand upon it in faith & speak it out in trust & belief.
When we repent of gossip HE is faithful & true to strengthen us to be victorious over this sinful fault.
Our bible reading today in Lamentations 3 through 5 tells us in so many ways how to have victory over our tongues so we speak only moral righteous GODLY words of healing, blessings of life into oneanother for prayers of deliverance.
In Rev. 15:2,3,4 those who are saved in the tribulation gaining the victory over the beast sing the song of Moses worshipping & praising the anointed sacrifice of our LAMB for each of souls salvation set apart in reconciliation with our DADDY'S HOLINESS IN THE HOLY SPIRIT'S POWER. Each of us seated in our rightful places at the table for our marriage supper with our LAMB LORD JESUS ...THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!!!!
There have been & are many humans named Jesus...This is YOUR human name..SON OF MAN.
LORD IS YOUR DEITY NAME ..all the power, authority, dominion of our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY...THE SON OF GOD.
YOU are our bridge from physical to spiritual everlasting life in the presence of our DADDY & no veil of sin between us ever again. Today lets think back over this past year & have we applied this commandment to our daily lives & can we be hopeful of doing better & drawing closer to becoming more like JESUS & less like our old selves. GOD WILL GIVE US WISDOM WHEN WE ASK JUST LIKE SOLOMON. OUR DADDY IS WAITING FOR US TO ASK.
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