Tuesday, March 19, 2013

True Transformation by: Amanda Watts

I'm learning a lot from the 4 men God chose to pioneer our walk with Jesus; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph have many many lessons to teach.  These great mentors are waiting for you to come meet with them.

Tonight I learned more about Jacob's heart.  The reading was from Genesis chapters 32 and 33, Jacob has left his uncle Labon with his wives, children and wealth that the Lord has blessed him with....

SIDE NOTE: Just because the bible talks about something, doesn't mean it condones it. For example, just because the bible talks about Jacob having multiple wives DOES NOT mean that it's ok to practice polygomy! There is my soap box and now I'm getting down:)...

Jacob is leaving Labon because has been called by God to travel back to Bethel where he came from, it's time for him to go home. If you are familar with scripture you'll soon remember that these are the chapters where Jacob wrestles with a man all night and is blessed because of it.  Jacob had a nasty habit, like many of us women, of being a bit of a control freak. He had all of Gods promises, he even had the protection of angels when he was on his way to meet his brother Esau after 20 years of separation due to a stolen blessing.  Jacob is fearful that his brother will not forgive his deception and tries to win Esau over with gift. 

After Jacob send his family and possessions across the river he is left alone at night in the desert.  While there scripture records a man coming to wrestle with Jacob, and the recorded struggle last the entire length of the night.  I'll let you decide who you think this man is, this will be a good chance for you to start digging into the word for yourself but for some hints... read Genesis 32:24-32; Hosea 12:2-5:)

This time of wrestling and struggling proved to do Jacob some good, he received a blessing of a new name. In the culture of this time, when someone spoke their name they were speaking to their character. Jacob's name meant deceiver and in these chapters it was changed to Israel "one who wrestles with God" or "God preserver".

The moral of the story is that God will transform us when we fully surrender to Him and His will, not just pocket books, husbands, children, single life..etc, but a full, whole hearted surrender. I am still trying to figure this one out so I am no expert by any means!

  1. When we look to God's strength we are strengthened; when we look to ourselves we are weakened
  2. God transforms us when we rely on  faith and prayer instead of schemes and self
  3. God sometimes cripples self-sufficient believers in order to transform them (like He did to Jacob when he touched his hip and dislocated it) - in order to grow them
  4. God transforms us when we rely fully on Him to meet our daily need.
I hope that Jesus tenderly begins to disciple each of us this week to become more of the women He has called us to be. I am so humbled by the response to the post on this blog and am so thankful to be a part of it, not to mention humbled and mind-boggled that y'all are reading it. All the more reason to give glory and praise to whom it belongs along, Jesus!


  1. All GOD wants us to do is trust HIM as we did our earthly fathers. As a child I did fret if the bills would be paid or if I was going to go hungry or run around naked. I was not worried about any of that I just expected my daddy to provide it for me. That is why GOD refers to Samuels childlike faith to just not worry or fret about ANYTHING because HE knows what we need far better than we do.
    GOD sees the entire battlefield, we only see a myopic view, what is right in front of us so therefore we need to just rest in HIM to manuever our steps & trust that HE will not give us more than we can handle. Just as HE did with Jacob & Jacobs freedom from the worry gave him SANITY & WISDOM so he could actually hear GOD'S direction as to what steps to take to get to where GOD wanted him to be and learn the lesson for future victories.

    GOD always calls us HIS children, little ones, baby chicks, lambs... how I cherish HIS pet names for us, HE sees me at the age of 72 just as HE sees you at 26, that is comforting to me.
    I am so thrilled that you are learning to trust OUR FATHER so much at such an early age as I struggled so much through my first 55 years till JESUS revealed HIMSELF to me and trust, faith and belief were not even on my horizon for another quarter century and I was so controlled by the liar, thief & robber & he wreaked havoc in my life. So needless but it was not my time yet and I learned satans strategy of war, & web of lies that the moment I felt relief from all of his terror of fear of everything (which was my SAVIOR JESUS) I fell so passionately in love with my SHEPHERD and so addicted to HIS PEACE just as you are.
    I enjoy reading your thought processes and studying the truth, you are very special to me. Love you Barbara
    How did your interview go for dietician? Was it GOD'S will at this time in your life?
