Saturday, January 11, 2014

Divine Mentor- God Didn't Need Rebekah's Plan - by Deena Serafin

Genesis 27-28; Psalm 4; Luke 11

Scripture: But his mother said to him, "Your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, get them for me." (Genesis 27:13 )

Observation:  Rebekah played God in her son's life. She loved Jacob more than Esau. Esau was a "man's man", while Jacob may well have been a "momma's boy".  He knew she was wrong, and yet he wanted the blessing that belonged to his brother-  what second-born son wouldn't ? Jacob's mother taught him to be deceptive. We can look back and say that Esau, who had carelessly given his birthright to Jacob for a pot of stew, didn't deserve the blessing of the firstborn. We even know that Jacob, not Esau, was God's choice to carry Abraham's bloodline to David and then to Jesus. The fact remains--Rebekah, despite her good intentions, taught her son to be a liar and a thief!

Application:  When I take matters into my own hands, I cheat myself out of the blessing God has in store for me. God had already chosen Jacob  over Esau- he didn't need Rebekah and Jacob to cheat and lie to achieve it. How much sin, evil, and heartache in the world is the result of  us taking matters into our own hands rather than trusting God to do what is best for us?  All of it.

Prayer:  My Father, I know You not only have a plan for my life but that you even order my daily steps.  You will, however, allow me to make my own choices and go my own way if I choose to do so. Walk closely with me today , step by step.  I don't want to miss out on what you have in store for me.

1 comment:

  1. Deena you are so right about Rebekah teaching Jacob the wrong way of life. Just as God always does He corrected Rebekah's wrong in my opinion in Genesis 29:13-30 by showing Jacob what it feels like to be deceived. When Laban had him work 7 years for Rebekah's hand to only give him Leah and then make him work 7 more for Rebekah. We can try to ignore God's life lessons if we want to He will show us over and over until He feels we are ready for His next lesson. I enjoyed reading your post!
