Saturday, January 4, 2014

Divine Mentor: Nothing is Impossible & Always be Prepared By: Ziahlita Peterson

Today’s Reading
Genesis 9-11 and Luke 4
My Scripture(s): Genesis 11:6 and Luke 4:13

 Nothing is Impossible
Genesis 11:6
“Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do.  And nothing that they purpose to do will now be impossible for them.”


I believe that God witnessed our evolution from living in tents to building an actual stone/brick tower without His assistance.  It was then that He may have realized that we will become too much too fast.  It was necessary to add division through language so no one could communicate and think of more ways of advancement.  Over time we still become more advanced the more we communicate with each other and for some other languages are learned opening up their world even more. A great example is how technology has removed all borders.  We are able to go to outer space and speak with someone on the other side of the world.  God knew that as a people he designed us to be able to do anything we set our minds to. 

It is important for me to embrace the many gifts that God has given us – both obvious and hidden.  I will work harder at remembering that we have the ability to do anything together.  No longer will I allow satan, the father of lies to whisper in my ear that I have limitations. It has also come to my attention the importance of being multi-lingual.  Though I have a plate full with life I must find a way to learn the basics of at least one other language and then progress to others one at a time.

Lord, thank you for once again reminding me that I have no limitations because I have you and your Grace.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Always be Prepared
Luke 4:13
And when the devil ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.


When must remember that if satan didn’t give up on tempting Jesus Christ our Lord, we should never believe that once we are victorious with what he tempts us with we have won.  Just as the scripture says, “he departed from him until an opportune time” satan will never give up.  It is up to us to be able to continue to fight his temptations.  Because satan is the great deceiver we must remember he will use us against us. God has given us His word as a weapon that should be sharpened daily.


 I will work to sharpen my weapon against the temptations of satan.  Satan knows my weaknesses and uses them on a regular basis to distract me from what God has for me.  Some days I don’t have the strength to fight and I give into the daily distractions of family issues, texting, internet and physical exertion.  Just this morning while doing my reading he tried to distract me with phone calls. I will work harder by being in God’s word daily and each day my weapon will be sharper and sharper.


Thank you, Lord for giving me the strength to recognize the temptations that are in place to keep me from you and your plans for me. I will continue to thirst for you with no quenching of that thirst with your help. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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