Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bring on the Suffering? by Deena Serafin

January 29, 2013 (Divine Mentor Reading for Today) 
Exodus 23, 24, Psalm 14, Acts 5

"Bring on the Suffering?" By Deena Serafin
Acts 5:41- So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.

Peter and other apostles had been in prison, beaten, blasted with ridicule, banned from the temple, and commanded by the religious leaders not to speak. Eventually, they would each be killed (except for John, who would be exiled) and yet, not only did they continue to boldly tell their stories, but they REJOICED that God considered them deserving of the suffering!

When I was in high school, I read an article that said Korean Christians were praying that American Christians would come under persecution in the US. Now, 50 years later, we think we are persecuted because we can no longer openly pray in school, or because we are criticized (or worse, ridiculed) for supporting traditional marriage, or because we are called names if we speak out against the sins of homosexuality or abortion. 

The apostles REJOICED to be beaten and bloodied! Would we? Or, do we just hunger for the "old days" when nearly everyone went to church but few were ever challenged to stand up for their faith?

Recently, in India, I served alongside two young Christian men (former Hindus)-- one had been beaten and imprisoned, the other's wife had been murdered because of his conversion-- and yet they REJOICED to be counted worthy to serve their Savior.

Should we pray that God would allow the serious persecution that many Christians tell us is on its way for US believers? Maybe we should.

O My Savior, I know nothing about suffering, and yet I am not boldly and continually sharing my story- Your story. Give me an opportunity today to tell someone how to know You. Holy Spirit, I ask that You comfort, strengthen, and empower believers in India, China, and other countries who truly suffer serious persecution for their faith. 

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