Thursday, January 3, 2013

Noah - My New Mentor!

Even as I get ready to sit at the feet of my Savior - it is tempting to pick up around my house first - then spend time in the Word. But I know better - if I do that - my appointment with the Lord will never happen.  Can you relate?

Scripture that spoke to me: 
Genesis 6:22
Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

Observation:  Facts: Noah spent 120 years building a boat when he had never seen rain.  Noah was the only righteous person in his entire generation. Noah knew God was real and he believed it. His faith and love for God had to be immeasurable. To work on a project for 120 years and never give up required obedience, perseverance and patience.  Noah was never encouraged by his friends – he was ridiculed. There must have been many moments of loneliness for Noah. 

Application:  To have that kind of faith and perseverance – can you imagine what you could accomplish for the kingdom?  How many times do I listen to others when I know God is telling me to do the opposite?  How I long to have that kind of commitment that Noah had.  He stuck with a project for 120 years – and I give up so quickly.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I pray that you change my heart and my mind – give me the perseverance, give me the faith and the commitment Noah had. Allow me to focus totally on you and listen for your voice.  Lord allow me not to be distracted of the things of this world.

What do I want to accomplish this year – Lord give me direction!  
Allow me to be obedient to the call.

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