Monday, January 28, 2013

Spend Time with Jesus - by: Debbie McGrath

Dear Friends, 

I encourage you to spend time in the Word of God today. 
See what He has to say to you!
Just like Peter and John, when you spend time with Jesus 
your life will be transformed
 and others will notice!

January 28, 2013 (Divine Mentor Reading for Today)
Exodus 21, 23; Psalm 12, Acts 4

Scripture that made an impression on my heart.

Acts 4:13 – When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

The rulers, elders, and teachers of the law who made up the Jewish Council – the same council that had condemned Jesus to death – were questioning Peter and John.  You would think Peter and John would be intimated – but they weren’t. When their enemies confronted them, they responded with amazing confidence, daring aggressiveness and no compromise!  How could they do this – because they had been with Jesus.  They were indwelt with the Holy Spirit and with Christ.  Because of this, they were not concerned about themselves – Christ was the focus of their lives.

To be filled with the Spirit, I must engage in constant prayer so that the Spirit of Christ will consistently flow thru me.

Second, I must remain in the Word of God.  I must be constantly learning, constantly being taught so that Christ is projected throughout my life. 

Third, spending time with God’s people. I had lunch yesterday with some girlfriends from church.  There is nothing better than being with like-minded people  - as we laughed and fellowshipped together – I could see the light of Christ flow from them and I was encouraged!!

Prayer:  Lord fill me with your Spirit again and again.  Help me to be disciplined to spend time in your word, to make time to be with other believers and spend time in prayer.  May the people I interact with today and tomorrow not be able to miss the fact that I have been with Jesus.  Keep me humble and dependent upon the Holy Spirit – so that I may bring you glory and honor.

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