Tuesday, July 9, 2013

God's Promises are Real

Tuesday, July 9, 2013  
Micah 1-4; Hebrews 6

My Scripture:
Hebrews 6:18
…it is impossible for God to lie…

Because God cannot lie we must believe everything He promises us.

I must trust God’s promises.  Through the years and many years to come people will claim that the Bible is written by man and can’t be true. I have to admit before beginning my true journey to Christ I thought some of the Bible wasn’t real.  There is a reason the Bible is called the living Word of God.  God speaks to us through our hearts and sometimes our heads long before we have any idea what the scriptures are.  It is through daily reading He is able to personally build a love affair with us and the Bible is our introduction and tool.  Living the life of a believer/follower can be done without the Bible but why do it if you don’t have to.  It’s like building a house with the building supplies and no blueprints; yes it can be done but the final product is so much stronger when you have instructions to follow.  That is what my journey with God has been like.  I was able to treat people right and do what I thought was right, but when I began to read the Bible (instructions for life) my life took another form.  Now I am able to feel the love God has for me and clearly hear his message for me.  The Bible is God’s “secret decoder ring” for His children that are interested in knowing the journey He has in store for us.  I will continue to be an active participant in God’s love affair with me through my daily reading and obedience to what he tells me to do.  I have experienced first-hand on several occasions God’s promises in action.  I have begun to understand everything that happens is done with the knowledge of God.  So when He allows things to occur in my life that aren’t so good I know He has allowed these things so that He can show His power and love.  It is not for me to understand why things happen just to know that He is there to use me for a purpose.  So it is my job to play my role in His story.

Lord, please continue to show me patience as you teach me how to give you 100% of me.  Continue to give me the strength to weather any storm you see fit for me to experience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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